Stay in the moment…

7 comments to Stay in the moment…

  • THIS is what recovery is all about…it’s all about facing moments like these when we’re being tested the most, and triumphing over them. You are such a strong, inspirational person…not because you do everything perfectly all the time, but because you are honest with what you’re going through. So many of us can relate to your struggle in one form or another.

    I lived with chronic pain for over 15 years, thanks to a car accident in my early 20s. So I know how all-consuming it is when you’re going through it. Thankfully I found a course of treatment that has been extremely helpful, so I spend most of my days only in mild discomfort…which is definitely manageable.

    Hang in there. Don’t let this define who you are. You will get through this.

  • I know how devastating this news is for you on so many, many levels. But I also know that we all tend to internalize a “no” as a rejection. We take the “thanks but no thanks” as a commentary on someone’s perception of us and flip it into a judgement on us as a person. We make assumptions to qualify the no we’ve been handed and more often than not they are not based on the reality of the reasons behind the decision. I know the red tape involved in a university setting. I know that many times, a position’s candidate is already waiting in the wings and advertising and interviewing for the position have to be carried out for due process, all the while knowing that it is a hoax – the person has already been selected. I also know that you are amazing at what you do, your personality wins every single person over in .32 seconds and that it has nothing to do with what you said, how you dressed or presented yourself. You have the skills. You have the personality. You have the whole package. In this case, someone else had a slightly better package – possibly with their shoe already in the door, a back was scratched or some other thing that was COMPLETELY out of your control. This moment and this rejection does NOT define you. Yes, it might have appeared to be the PERFECT job for you but there isn’t one job for everyone. There’s something bigger, something better, something even more awesome coming down the road for you – you just can’t see it yet. It isn’t the right time. It is coming – trust in this. And when it gets here you’re going to thank your lucky star (ha!!!) a million times over that this job didn’t come through when you wanted it to. You’re going to look back at this moment of hurt, disappointment, of heartbreak and think “thank FUCK that didn’t happen because then THIS awesome thing wouldn’t have happened”. Trust.

    My refuge is the beach. I know you’re hurting both mentally and physically today but go to the ocean. Find yourself a piece of sand and pull it up and sit there and just be. Listen to the waves caressing the shore. Look at the sun sparkling on the water. Cup sand in your hands and let it slowly filter its way through your fingers. Take as long as you need to but I guarantee that when you walk back to Dusty your heart will be lighter and your head more clear.

    Love you. xo

  • What I heard…
    I really want to be a life coach
    I thought this job was perfect
    Will I ever get it right?

    The prescription


    an idea…..why not use Skype and do virtual interpreting or teaching…I bet TONS of people would love an online service to do the visual “chat”

    and sometimes it is okay to step out of the moment….cuz sometimes our head takes over those moments….stay in the heart instead


  • Nan C

    Tammi said it perfectly! Today isn’t your day (mine either) but make the best of the rest of your day and start new tomorrow! You are amazing and it’s their loss.

  • Nickie

    You are such an inspiration to us all. I’m sorry you didn’t get the job you wanted, hopefully it will lead you to the next part if your journey that is right for! I think we get thrown curve balls to test our conviction, to see if we have learnt to rise above and use our new tools for coping.
    Keep strong and know in yourself that you are helping and have helped people around the world heal themselves – I know that doesn’t pay the bills, but its a bloody good achievement!
    X nic from Australia

  • I’m very sad to hear your did not get the job. This has to mean the universe is going to provide something greater for you. Stay strong! We are all here for you! {{{HUGS}}}

  • oh my dear dear friend. I just saw this today. I want to leap through the screen and just hug you for a really long time. I am so very sorry for this disappointment. I know how hard these moments are and how easy to just “go there” into that icky painful place. I am so so so sorry.

    I am sorry about the back pain too. I know the Twinge. I am having a bit of that too. It hasn’t been super strong and painfree for a while and even now it is doing the twinge thing. It IS scary. It’s that weak link we know is there.

    I know you will get through both of these moments. I hope that they will pass quickly. I know you will come out the other end. Know that you ARE good enough. That you are surrounded by love, not just close up but from all over the world.

    Sending you so much love. And a big blankey full of comfort.

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