So Many Changes…

I’ve got so many thoughts going through my head I had to actually make a bullet list on paper to make sure I kept the scrambled mess in some sort of cohesive order. I’m using the computer at the library and have about 50 minutes to get all this out onto this blog before […]

Pre OWiS #25 week in review!

It’s that time again.

Time where I review my week in anticipation of tomorrow OWiS. This will be #25 since starting this journey. This week has seen some great accomplishments and yet tonight I feel out of sorts. I was supposed to meet with Superman today but he had to cancel at the […]

5k recap / vibrams update / stuff

My number was 6605

It was spectacular on so many levels. First off it was a huge turnout or at least huge in my eyes. There were 850+ runners for the 5k portion and 2500+ runners for the 12k. This was serious business. How did I know that? There was no pre-run beer […]