When you think you can’t…you must.

It’s Wednesday.

I”m sore.

Almost unbearably sore.

I blame Superman and his idea of fun.

(It was kind of fun)

I’m having to will myself to walk down stairs.

My thighs are just about ready to revolt against me in this journey.

Yesterday I got on the elliptical for 60 minutes and sweated my […]

3.22 Run/ Elliptical Epiphany / Planky Planks

Something weird is starting to happen to me these days. 6 months ago I used to focus on how much time I’d be able to spend playing World of Warcraft. I used to get up super early every morning just so I could play an hour or two before having to get ready to […]

Just a few bullets…

I went to the gym today for a swim. When I got there Superman was walking towards me. I stopped him, shook his hand and thanked him for yesterday’s session. I’m tallying my miles run / laps swam from here on out. So far I’ve run 12 miles in April = SHAZAM! You can […]

3.1 / Superman / emotional gunk…

*Disclaimer – I am extremely emotional today. It’s a combination of TOM and my morning session with Superman. That being said, what I write at the moment is just how I’m feeling. If I could crawl back into bed and cry myself a river of waaaa waaaa waaaa’s I would. I can’t so I’m […]