A Letter to Ragnar and Team Optimus Prime…


Let's run this bitch!


In three weeks five of my crazy running buddies and I are going to do something most people only dream of: We’re going drive to Blaine Washington (the border city to Canada) and for the next 36 hours we’re going to run our fucking asses off for 187 miles.

Non Stop.

A few days ago I received an email from the staff at Ragnar. They are putting a call out to hear our stories. They want to know why we’re running this crazy ass event and instead of sending an email I thought I’d write an open letter to them and to my fellow runners and volunteers that will be spending what is likely to be one of the most pivotal events of my life.

So let’s get started…

Dear Ragnar: Even as I start to write down my reasons for showing up to the starting line on July 22, 2011 the tears start to fall. It’s best for me to explain to you why showing up with an ultra team of runners and the special volunteers that have agreed to help in my favorite form of writing: bullets!

  • I’m running because not that long ago I was morbidly obese, weighing in at 270 pounds. Having just turned 40 I thought my life was as good as it was going to get. I was chronically depressed, addicted to video games and would rather spend 8 hours in the made up reality of World of Warcraft and shove crap in my mouth than break a sweat being outside. Little did I know that not long after my 40th birthday I would be having a conversation with some colleagues of mine and decide that enough was enough. I would start small (taking the stairs instead of the elevator) and build from there. Stairs led to short lunch break walks. Short walks led to longer morning walks. Longer morning walks led to running a block. Running a block led to running a little longer. Running a little longer led to running a lot longer…110 pounds later I am who I am meant to be. The person showing up to your starting line on the 22nd is the person I’ve searched for my entire life.
  • I’m running because today I left my house this morning and ran even when I didn’t much feel like it. On my route I saw a woman who was so large she had to lean back in order to put enough force into her swing to move her legs forward. While I was never close to being that large, the lifestyle I chose to lead before this life changing  journey began was one that could have easily had my face on her body.
  • I’m running because I bring with me six people who I care deeply about along with two others I think will quickly become just as important to me by the end of the 187 miles we collectively will run together. Sharla, (runner #6) our team captain who I met at the beginning of this journey through blogging and was lucky enough to live just in the next town over. She has inspired me to be a better runner and to look at the world with one eye of sarcasm and one eye of humor. Brandon, (runner #4) who is like a younger brother to me.  We both started the journey of changing our lives and chasing what we deserved at the same time. We’re both on the other side of success when so many of us fell off to the way side and for that I am so stinking proud of him. Mac, (runner #3) who I’ve never met in person (that’s going to change in a few short weeks) but has given me more support on this journey than most people standing next to me in real life. It’s hard to explain how you can care for someone you’ve never even hugged in person but then not much about this journey is easy to explain. Meegan (volunteer #1) who has shown me that hard work and perseverance pays off in not only finding happiness with one self but also in finding it in someone else. Jessi (volunteer #2) who is not long on her own journey but knows this is one worth fighting because she deserves it. Michael (volunteer #3 – who wanted to run this damn race with us but couldn’t) who has seen the changes in me from the beginning and is a constant source of much-needed encouragement (and the occasional 90 minute massage!) and finally Lindsay (runner #2) and Ryan (runner #5) who are joining this troupe not knowing anything about who we are but putting faith in us that we will come through for them in the same way they will for us. I will not be the fastest runner of our team. In fact, by the end of my third leg I could very easily be the slowest but what I can promise to do is A) Start B) Finish and C) Love every second of it even through the countless tears and obligatory eff bombs.
  • I’m running because some day someone who will be at a crossroads in their life. They will need to choose between dying a slow and depressing death being bogged down by labels like “morbidly obese”  or standing up and taking control of what is right in front of them: Life. When the day comes that they choose life, someone is going to point them in my direction. They’re going to see that anything is possible when you want it so bad you’ll do anything to get it…even run a 187 mile relay.
  • I’m running not because I want to but because I need too. My body wants to know that it’s capable of doing this. Every day it asks me to push it farther, work it harder, and make it stronger. Everyday it wants to know what it’s like to move and sweat. It spent too many years sitting idly by for my brain to draw the line and say enough was enough. It longs to prove to my heart, mind and soul that it is capable of doing some pretty amazing shit.
  • I’m running for anyone that has wondered what if….the answer is undoubtably yes

So you see Ragnar staff there are so many reasons why I’ll be strapping on my running shoes and donning my favorite running hat July 22nd and stepping up to that starting line at 7:30 in the morning and for the next 36 hours running towards something much bigger than a finish line…

I’m running towards Life.


(187 miles or bust)

Popchips: why I love them and a giveaway!!!


Get in my mouth you delicious pop chip!

That’s right people!

There’s a giveaway here today!

I hope they don’t mind my eff bomb that I’m about to drop here because maybe they don’t know me and my love for a good eff bomb every now and then (and by every now and then I mean about every 3.4 seconds).

I fucking love popchips.

The chip and the company.

First lets talk about the chip. About 8 months ago while I was stalking perusing people on twitter and I kept seeing @popchips all over place. People were raving about how good they tasted. Now 8 months ago I was just reaching my first goal weight and getting ready to run my first half marathon. I was still very much into calorie counting and writing everything down that was going into my mouth. I’d been very good about cutting out snack type foods but it was about time that I put into practice what I’d been trying to teach myself for the previous 11 months: How to eat healthy and enjoy what I was eating without freaking out that something wasn’t a green leafy or packed with protein.

I wanted to eat like a “normal” person.

(Whatever that means).

I looked high and low for popchips in my area. I was disappointed each time I went shopping that I had to leave empty handed. I wanted to try them. I wanted to get on this popchip bandwagon. Finally I walked into my local permanent farmer’s market and there they were like a beacon in the night: BBQ popchips (funny how I remember even eight months later the first flavor I tried). Now to know me is to know I don’t even like bbq flavored chips (take note for when you invite me over for a cook out) but I was willing to break my popchip virginity with these bad boys.

First chip goes in:


I knew immediately why everyone loved them so much. They were good. Really good. The entire snack size bag was 120 calories and there was enough in the bag I felt like I had a good sized portioned snack. I was officially on the popchip band wagon and they are now my go to crunchy snack. I’ve not been able to try all the flavors but of the one’s I have tried my favorite is the salt and pepper.

Now let’s talk about the company. In May I went to Fitbloggin (but you already knew that right?).  One of the things I really appreciated was the companies that came to spend the 2 1/2 days with us and provide all kinds of swag for us to enjoy. Popchips was there and they were a blast to see every time I went past their set-up. Costumes for people to put on and get their pictures taken to be uploaded immediately to twitter. Large bean bag area to sit and hang out with your new Fitbloggin buddy or catch up with an old friend from the previous conference. Bags and bags of chips were being handed to anyone that held out an empty hand. No stink eye when you back for a 15th or 16th time (not that I would know anything about that). With all of their generosity at Fitbloggin it was big surprise to see they extended that generosity to when we returned home by giving each participant a coupon for a free case of popchips…

Yhea you heard me.


As I write this blog post I have my very own box in my closet of the tastiest 100 calorie bags of delicious little circles of love you can put in your mouth and feel good about what you’re eating. Not tried them yet? Now you have your chance. They are letting me do a giveaway for not just one of you lucky bastards, but for three. Here’s how this is going to go down…

  • Leave a comment here. Tell me if you’ve tried them (what’s you’re favorite?) or are you still a popchip virgin.
  • Go like them on facebook, tag them (and me)  in a status update (Hey I’m entering a kick ass giveaway blah blah blah) and come back here and tell me with a link.
  • Follow them at on one of their many twitter pages (@popchips, @popchipsPDX or @popchipsSeattle) and tell me here.
  • Go outside and shout “I want to love popchips as much as Tara” and tell me you did it (okay maybe not so much on this one but it brings a smile to my face to think you would have done it)

Leave a comment for each of the above (three bullets, three separate comments) and in one week I will randomly pick three of you lucky lucky bastards to have month’s supply (riiiiiiiight like it’s going to last a month) delivered to your door. Popchips the company is so awesome that if you don’t win something here you can bet there will be other giveaways happening all over twitter so keep your eyes peeled for more ways to get those round little love crisps out of the bag and into your mouth…

Good luck


Happy snacking!






Is loving ourselves so hard?

Why is the path to finding health and happiness so excruciatingly difficult and the escape from obesity seem more like an impossibility than a possibility? More often than not I still can’t look at myself in the mirror and come up with 3 things I like about the way I look.

Overly Critical.

Overly Judgemental.

Overly Harsh.

Down right mean at times.

Yesterday I was looking at my feet and before I could blink I had begun the negative berating of how ugly I felt they were. I thought my toes looked long and lanky. I thought the veins were popping out too much. The blisters healing on the sides of my feet  added to the berating and by the time I was done I never wanted to look at my feet again. I knew that if I didn’t like the way they looked neither would anyone else that had to look at them. What was the point of losing a shit ton of weight only to end up with ugly looking feet???

Seriously, this is my train of thought.

I went from thinking “my feet are ugly” to “she’s not going to want to see my body” (and if you’ve been paying attention on twitter you know who she is. More importantly she knows who she is). It’s so easy to go from one tiny little thing I don’t like about myself to full blown body hatred and while most times it’s easy to go through the steps of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and bring myself back, I sometimes find myself treating this body hatred with things that are self sabotaging instead of self loving.

Mindlessly eating.

Not going to the gym for days

Convincing myself I’m not good enough.

Wanting to stay in bed instead of getting up and moving forward.

Saying negative things in my head.

Refusing to be nice to myself.

Wanting to give up.

Why is this? I’ve been on this journey for close to 19 months. I’ve been in those dark places so often and every time I pull myself out of them I think “Okay, that’s it. That has to be the last time I’m going to think bad things about myself. This has to be the last time I shove (insert food here) into my mouth looking for comfort. Look where I’ve come from. Look where I’m going…” And yet I find myself in those dark places again and more frustrated than the last time.

If I’m doing this.

So are you.

This journey is for a lifetime. A lifetime of learning how to soften the self critical voice and strengthen the voice of self love, self worth and believing that above all we deserve to love who we are and who we want to become. The critical voice is rooted deep in the fibers of our being. It doesn’t want to give up it’s place in our lives.  The more successful we are in losing weight, becoming happy and congruent with what we deserve the louder and more determined that self critical voice becomes. It will use any excuse to dig it’s nasty little claws into us and shake us to the core of our being in hopes that we will surrender to its desires rather than follow our own…

Yesterday I thought I had ugly feet.

Today I know that those feet are the very ones that carried my body when it was too heavy. I know that those feet walked my dogs everyday while I tried to break a sweat. I know those feet took a few thousand steps on and off the wii board as I punched the funny looking boxing bag on my tv screen. I know those feet ran when I didn’t think they could and then proved to me they could actually run pretty freakin fast. I know those feet are the first thing to start working in the morning when my alarm goes off at 330a most mornings and the last thing to finish when I’m exhausted and fall into bed. I know these feet won’t fail me even when I feel like I’ve failed myself…

I’m sorry I hated you feet.

You deserve nothing but  love!

Thank you.

(Your turn)

Getting back to a schedule (AKA life’s a beach…not really)


Bradenton Beach


This is where I’ve been for the last week. No seriously pretty much on this beach right here. It’s been amazing. Wearing a bathing suit and not having to worry that I’m too fat or that I’m going to over heat because I’m carrying around an extra 120 pound has once again brought me to a place of being humbled at the hard work I’ve had to put into saving my life…


Amongst all the good things I’m discovering about going on vacation there is also remembering all the difficult stuff I carry around with me even still.

  • My Eating has been a little out of control. I’m staying with my Aunt Kathee and while the house if filled with food that allows me to make good choices there is also many opportunities to make not such good choices. I’ve find myself reaching for chocolate more often then reaching for fruits and veggies. I am eating more mindlessly than I have in a long time. Snacking when I’m not hungry and even when I ask myself “Tara are you hungry enough to put this (insert food here) into your mouth?” and I know the answer is no, I’m still eating.
  • I’m eating out of stress. Being around my family isn’t easy. We are all very separate people with very different lives and when we come together it can be a little difficult to adjust. Something is taken out of context or perceived to mean something when it doesn’t mean that at all and I find myself reaching for whatever I can put in my mouth and have done it multiple times this week.
  • I’m making food choices based on what other people are eating. My brother doesn’t have the best food habits. In fact they kind of suck. Pints of ice cream can be devoured without thought and I’m finding myself jealous that I no longer eat that way. So I make excuses “I can eat this ice cream because it’s not a pint” “I can have a second helping because it’s not as much as what he’s eating”, “I can eat (insert food here) because at least I’m going to go running in the morning”…
  • The urge to weigh myself everyday has been extremely strong. I’ve managed to only do it once but every time I see the scale I’ve had to stand in front of it and have a semi long conversation about how I don’t need to know what my weight is. I’ve had to remind multiple times that even if I did get on the scale it wouldn’t be accurate because there are other factors to take into consideration: plane, heat, different scale.
  • Not having a schedule is throwing me off emotionally. I miss my room. I miss my stuff. I miss my car. I miss the comforts of knowing what I’m doing and exactly where I should be at any given time.

All that being said you can probably deduce I’m ready to go home. Vacations are grand and seeing my family has been awesome but truth be told I am ready to get back to where I belong. Ready to get back to my schedule and making healthy choices. Ready to get back to the gym, boxing and Godfather. Ready to stop eating mindlessly and be present 100% in the choices I am making…

Vacations are Grand

Home is Better.

Made from Earth (The review)

I’ve been a slacker.

I admit it.

I have a few product reviews I’ve put on the back burner when life took an unexepected (but expected) turn. I’m on vacation right now (Holy mother of all that is pure Florida is hot in June) and with that comes extra time to catch up on the much needed posts about the kindness of companies that send me stuff to try and give my honest opinion.

You know I love honest opinions right?

I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it; it takes a lot of balls for them (the company) to send random people samples in hopes that they (the consumer) like the product(s) enough to write nice things about them. When you send me something I will be honest and sometimes that honesty isn’t what you want to hear…

This is not one of those times.

(Had you for a second didn’t I)

This particular review is going to get a little more in depth than the Eurcerin review just because you can’t walk into your local grocery store and pick up a MFE product and read the back of the label or try a little from the over used (often dirty) sample bottle left out on the counter.

One of the first things that struck me as awesome about this particular company is that the email Stergios Bekas (who is the Director of Marketing) sent included a comment on a blog post he had read. He actually took the time to read something about who I was and didn’t just do a fly by the seat of your pants massive blog generated list of people to contact (or if he did, he covered his ass really well – nice job Stergios!).

Another thing that struck me as awesome about this company is that they are an organic and chemical free skincare line. Now if you’ve been paying attention (you have been paying attention right???), you will know that I have extremely sensitive facial skin and very few products ever make it past the first try when it comes to coming in contact with my noggin.

Here’s what the company website says about their ingredients:

We only select the highest potency organic ingredients for our healthy products.  All our ingredients / plants are from certified organic farms.  There are no potentially toxic ingredients in our products. There is no diluting or watering down of our potent organic plant ingredients.  There is no synthetic coloring agents or fragrances, or paraffin and other petroleum products are permitted.  Preservatives from synthetic sources are not permitted, such as Parabens (propyl, methyl and ethyl).  Lastly, all manufacturers must provide a certificate of organic certification from the USDA concerning their processes and ingredients. We are 100% farmed and sourced in the USA. Our unique organic ingredients product development teams have put together the purest and most potent organic ingredients, which include organic juices, aloe vera, honey, natural botanicals, and natural plant oils.

(kick ass!)

Here’s what Stergios sent:


It’s a little difficult to see the bottle here but this is the “Green Tea Toxin Cleanser”. Another thing I love about this particular company is each product has its own web page with a detailed description of the product, directions, information about the ingredients themselves (what makes this product awesome) and finally a full list of what’s in the bottle! LOVE THAT! Just to give you a little bit of an idea of what kind of cool stuff is in their products, here’s a the list of what’s in this little bottle of goodness:

Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Green Tea, Milk, Organic Lavender Distillate, Organic Roman Chamomile Distillate, Rose Distillate, Grapeseed Oil, Witch Hazel, Vitamin E, Polysaccharide Gum, Organic Honey, Vitamin C Ester, Pro-Vitamin B5, Vitamin A (Retinol Palmitate), Black Willowbark Extract, Neem Oil, EDTA, Rosemary, Citric Acid.

This stuff rocked my socks.

That’s saying something people. It didn’t sting. It didn’t turn my face red and blotchy. It smelled good. And if it did in fact get my face clean, then that’s an extra added bonus in my book. It didn’t take much to use either so while the $15.99 cost might have some sticker shock to the regular joe “I want to buy something environmentally good for the world and good for my body” consumer, this seems like it would go a long way…

This little bottle is the “Rosehip + Hibiscus Organic Face Serum”. Now to know me is to know that I have no idea what anything means when it comes to skin care. Remember I’m just learning about the idea that body lotion is for the body and facial lotion is for the face. Color me late to the party but when I first looked at this bottle I had no idea what a serum is.

So I looked it up:

A face serum is a clear, thick, liquid beauty product applied to the face and neck area. Face serums come in many different varieties and are often meant to target a specific problem. They can be used to help fight the signs of aging such as lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. They can also be used to help prevent acne and brighten the skin. Depending on its specific purpose, a serum can contain a wide variety of ingredients, including vitamin C, amino acids, mushrooms, glycerin, cucumber, and aloe.

People are often confused about the differences between a moisturizer and a face serum, and may be unsure if they should use one or both products. Due to their large molecules, moisturizers can only penetrate the first layer of the skin, allowing them to hydrate and seal in moisture. A face serum is able to penetrate into all three layers of the skin because it is made of smaller molecules. The serums ability to go deeper into the skin is what allows it to help combat many common beauty complaints.

(end of skin care lesson 101)

I loved this product too! That’s two for two if your keeping score. Again no redness, no blotchiness, no itching, no drying of my skin. Did it make my skin tighter? I don’t know. Do I know exactly what’s suppose to happen over time in using this product? No. I’m not an expert here people. If it wasn’t for particular people in my life with some knowledge of this kind of thing I wouldn’t look at this stuff twice but now that I’ve tried it, I will use the product to the end to see exactly what (if anything) it does to my skin. It comes with a $24.99 sticker and since I’m clueless about fancy serum products, I don’t know if this is a sticker shock or not (insert your opinion here).

I feel so grown up using a serum.

Another thing you should know about me (and put this on your list of things to buy me for birthdays, christmas and/or any other major gift giving holiday) is that I love lip balm. When I say love it, I mean mildly obsessed with it. I have a gazillion (okay maybe 10) different lip balms usually within reach so you can just imagine the squeal of delight (and if you tell anyone I squeal I will deny it) when these two bad boys rolled out of the mailing envelope and into my hot little hands.

Directions for use (from the website):

Apply to lips as needed.

It should come with personalized instructions like; “Tara, don’t eat it even though they smell delicious and you can’t stop licking your lips like your L.L. Cool J”. Of the two (Citrus and Vanilla) I preferred the citrus and at a 3.99 price tag you better believe there will be more coming my way as soon as I run out…

So there you have it folks. Four products (or three is you count two flavors as one product) and my honest opinion: I loved them.

Thanks Stergios for taking the time to read my blog and then asking me to try your products. I like what Made From Earth has to offer and since you didn’t make my face all red and blotchy you get a A+ in my book!




The Secret


When people find out that I’ve lost 120 pounds I get asked the same question almost each time:

What is your Secret?

At first I would laugh and say something funny like “magical unicorns” but over time it started to get a little annoying…

Want to really know the Secret?

Secret Number one: Stop stuffing your face with shitty food. You see me make good choices (or at least the best choice I can make at that particular instance) and you laugh that you wish you could do the same while you ask for extra gravy for your potatoes or instead of getting vegetable as a side you ask for a potato with “all the fixins”. Stop telling me it’s hard for you to make better choices. Stop telling me that “healthy” food doesn’t taste as good. Your brain is wired to want grease, salt, or sweet calorie laden food. It wasn’t easy for me to change the way I eat. My secret? I retrained my mind to understand that fast food restaurants don’t give a rat’s ass about me or my health. Over time instead of craving the foods that packed on the fat onto my body, I began to crave the food that shed the fat and made me feel strong, healthy and full of energy in both mind and body.

Secret Number two: Break a sweat and do it often. You see me today a much smaller version of who I used to be. You see me strap on my running shoes, boxing gloves or work out so hard I feel it in my lungs hours later. But it’s not what I used to be able to do. You give me all the excuses in the world about how you can’t do what I do so you’ll never be able to lose as much weight as I could. When I first started breaking a sweat I did it by walking my dogs. I walked them for 15 minutes, then for 30 minutes until I was walking 2 to 3 miles each morning. I took the stairs instead of the elevator and parked farther away from any entrance I was trying to reach. When I decided to run it happened slow…60 seconds, 3 minutes, 8 minutes: half a block, 6 blocks, 1 mile until my first 5k. One pushup with my knees on the floor and arms shaking became one normal pushup with my arms barely bending to my first full pushup to finally being able to multiple pushups without even thinking…

Stop telling me you don’t have the time and energy or the stamina to exercise. You are making excuses. I made them too for so long and at 270 pounds I had to stop telling myself I can’t and start telling myself  “do whatever you fucking can and move”. Don’t tell me you wish you could go to the gym or afford a trainer. YOU ARE MAKING EXCUSES. Can’t afford to go to the gym? Make weights at home (milk gallon jugs filled with water make a great start). Can’t afford to take a class or go to yoga, rent videos from your local library. Walk everywhere. Park farther away. Find a building with multiple floors and climb the stairs. DO SOMETHING…ANYTHING.

Secret Number three: Make yourself a priority. Don’t tell me you can’t because of work, kids, and or husband/wife. You are using them as an excuse to not do what is necessary. That’s mean. Don’t blame them. Don’t use them as a reason to sit around and do nothing but watch your life be defined by the size of your pants or by how many X’s are on your shirt label. Do they take up a lot of your time? Take it back. I worked an average of 65 hours a week and had a household to run. Did I let it stop me? No. I got up before the sun came up and moved until I was sweating. I was exhausted by the end of the day but over time I got used to it. I cried most mornings when my alarm went off at 330a so that I could be out the door by 430a. I constantly battled with my fat self to get out of bed and take control. It fucking sucked…until it didn’t. Now I look forward to that time in the morning that is set aside just for me. First thing I do is take care of me, the rest of the day is spent taking care of everything else. My body used to hate me for working out so much. Now it hates me when I don’t…

Secret Number four: Don’t ever give up. There will be days (maybe even weeks) where you feel like this is all worthless, that you will never get to where you want to be. Let me be very clear when I say this: THAT IS YOUR OLD FAT SELF TALKING. We are wired to be self sabotaging. We are wired to think we’re going to fail. We are wired to believe we don’t deserve to get out there and find the life we so desperately want, need and deserve to have. I can’t tell you how many times I looked in the mirror and said “I hate you Tara, you will fail like every other time” only to force myself to stop, kiss the mirror and say “No not today Tara. You are not giving up today”. I can’t begin to tell you how hard it was is for me some days to let the negative voices play out and not give in. I can’t begin to tell you how hard it is to brush myself off after I feel like I’ve moved in the wrong direction. Confession: I’ve been on this journey for 18 months and you’d think I’d have it down but in fact I don’t. Just last week I purged after letting the voices in my head win. But did I lay down and let life control me? Did I say “well what’s the point?” No. I forgave myself and moved forward. I refuse to go back to that life. I refuse to allow my old way of thinking control my new way of living…

Here’s the most important secret:

Secret Number five: There is no secret. No magic pill. No magic liquid. No magic nothing. There is only sweat. Only commitment. Only change. Only desire. Only the will to do whatever it takes no matter what. You want this bad enough, you will go out there and get it. You will end the excuses. You will make the changes…

Ask yourself

Do you want it bad enough?

I do.

Whatever it takes.

I do.



What are your plans for the weekend?

Want to know what my plans are?

Here’s one of them:

Oh Yes I am doing this!

Today even!

I’m breaking away from the traditional run like mad crazy to get to the finish line as fast as Tara possible to do my very first mud run. I’m nervous as fuck. I have no idea what to expect (except to get dirty). I’m scared I won’t finish and get my bad ass tiki medal (I won’t lie, it’s the only reason I signed up for this race). I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt. I’m worried I won’t be strong enough to get up the rope wall or mud hill. I don’t like surprises and there are two mystery obstacles in this 3.3 mile, 14 obstacle course.

Mostly I’m sad because I’m going alone.

It’s one of the hardest parts about ending a long term relationship.

In almost every race since I started running last year, I’ve gone with another runner or had Mitch/friends go to support me. Last week I did the Sound to Narrows 12k run as it was my one year anniversary race. It was the very first race I went too completely alone. I drove myself there, I walked myself to the starting line, I ran and when I crossed the finish line I grabbed my stuff and left. It was a tough race and when I needed someone to take care of me because I was too sore to move, I cried out of pain and loneliness as I stood up to take care of me.

This may take some getting used too.

(shameless photo opportunity in 3…2….1)


Sound to Narrows race anniversary (L) 6/2010 (R) 6/2011 Hard to believe it's the same person.

So yhea Survivor mud run


Still gonna be Awesome!

Just doing the mud run would make for a fantastic weekend but there is something else happening that I’ve not really shared too much with the blogger world because this is one of those events in my life that is monumental. I’m flying to Florida tomorrow (red eye after mud run) to see my aunt Kathee and my brother Kevin…

The last time they saw me I looked like this:


This is the picture I hate most of all out of that trip to New York back in September 2009. It would still be 4 months before I realized I didn’t want to live my life the way it was going. It’s difficult to look at these pictures and know that I am was that 270 pound person. I recognize myself and at the same time it feels surreal to know the person that is writing this blog post is some where in there waiting to be set free.

They’ve seen progress pictures during the last 18 months but they’ve yet to wrap their arms around this much smaller body or hang out with this much happier soul.  It’s exciting. And yet I’m sad that they missed out on being a part of this journey with me. I’ve been thinking a lot about my family as of late. Being a part of Mitch and his family for the last 10 years helped to fill a void. My family (except for my niece whom I love and adore) have always been separated by thousands of miles and years of family “crap”. Now that the void is not being filled by the Mitch and my in-laws, my heart longs to be a part of something to call my own.

This is another part of the journey.

The part where I love them.

The part where they love me.

All of me.

(Just smaller)




Taking a little break (aka product review)

Life is a little hectic right now.

Plans are in the making.

Moves are being made.

Life is being lived.

One of the things I’ve been a little behind is doing the reviews on the products I’ve received. I’m a little shocked that companies what to know my opinion (I feel like I’m such a small fish in this big ass ocean) but send they did and I have a responsibility to let them know what I think!

Not too long after I got back from Fitbloggin (oh my God I miss everyone so stinking much…quick get on a plane and get here pronto for a sleep over!) I got an email from Craig Kessler asking if I would try some products and give my honest opinion. I think it takes a lot of balls to ask some random person to try a product then write a review for it. I mean what if I hate it? It also takes a lot of balls for that random person to try a product and be honest about the opinion. I mean what if I hate it lol….

Lucky for him I don’t hate it.

I was actually given two products. Both a face lotion and a body lotion. Funny thing to know about me is I’m not really that well versed in taking care of my body enough to know that there is a difference in the two. I’m being school on this very subject and was being taught the finer difference even before the two products arrived.

I had to be vigilant in making sure I used the BODY lotion on the BODY and the FACE lotion on the FACE. Not an easy feat I tell ya. Another funny bit of info about me is I don’t really like touching my body too much what with the loose skin. I mean I can dry my body off with a towel and I can touch it when it’s covered with clothing but naked skin on skin is still difficult for me. So this was to be a test of not only how much I liked a product but whether or not I could follow through with actually using it.

Here’s my verdict: I like it. A lot. Do I like it over other products? I don’t know. I’ve never used a body lotion before on my body so there is nothing to compare it too. I liked the way it felt going on my body. I liked the way it felt while on my body. I liked the way it felt hours after putting it on my body.

Another thing: I didn’t mind touching my skin either. The first few times it was a little difficult but having my skin feel so damn soft for so long afterwards made me actually look forward to putting it on the next day. Way to go Eucerin!






This was the other product that was sent to me. Another bit of info about me is that my face is extremely senstive. So much so that so far I’ve only been able to find one lotion that I like to use. It’s a body lotion. It will remain nameless since this is about Eucerin

I used it. It felt good on my face but unfortunately it also burned my skin. This is not a negative on Eucerin’s product but rather just my facial skin saying “Oh hell no you don’t Tara”…

To say I don’t like it would be a lie. I wanted it to feel good on my skin. I wanted to like it as much as I liked the body lotion. It smelled good. It felt good on my hands. I tried it for a week just to give it my best shot but more often than not I had to wash it off.

Again this is not a bad review for this particular product. This product just didn’t work on my skin. I’m gonna give it to someone else and see if they like it…

My guess is they will.

Thanks Craig for the opportunity to check out a product I wouldn’t normally try. Now when I go shopping I have another option for body lotion. That makes me pretty happy!!!









Frustration is easier than Guilt


The other day I was having lunch with my super good friend Kelly (Starting My 45th Year) and we were talking a number of things you usually talk about when you haven’t seen each other in a while and you both are on your own Life Changing Journey: Relationships, food, weight loss, dealing with changes and just general “what’s going on with Life” stuff.

During our conversation we started talking about how it’s easier to be frustrated over a situation than deal with the guilt when it comes to making a decision that include other people. In both of our lives we’ve allowed choices to be made that included other people and what they wanted instead of what we really needed to do in order to move forward and in the end it resulted in feeling angry at the other person and angry at ourselves for not remaining true to what we wanted / needed.

Guilt is a very powerful persuader.

It’s easier to deal with the frustration when important people in our lives are continuing to make unhealthy food choices when all we are trying to do is cut down on fats, count calories and keep healthy options in the refrigerator.  We feel guilty for asking people to make changes with us. We feel guilty that we want to make life changes. We feel guilty that in order for these life changes to take place, we have to put ourselves first. Guilt keeps us from asking for what we want. Frustration is so much easier to deal with but eventually frustration leads back to a path of self destruction. We stop making the healthy choices and go back to stuffing our faces with crappy food.

It’s easier to deal with frustration when our lives are so busy with kids, jobs and spouses that we feel like we can’t ask for some time alone to get outside and move a little more than we normally do or get to the gym for a class we’ve been dying to take. We feel guilty for wanting to take time for ourselves to break a sweat, to do something that is solely for our benefit. Instead of asking for what is necessary we sit on the couch with the rest of the family.

Guilt is killing us slowly.


Guilt kept me from making the much needed changes that should have happened long before they did. I was afraid to change my life because I knew in the end it was going to hurt someone else. It was easier for me to be frustrated with myself and with those around and continue to make bad choices for myself. It wasn’t just in relation to food and losing weight. Not wanting to deal with the guilt of taking care of myself first and foremost seeped into every aspect of my life way before I decided to take control and shed the fat.

What I’ve learned, now that my head is more clear about the importance of taking care of myself was that the frustration was just as detrimental to my well being as avoiding whatever guilt I thought I would have to face. I chose to make bad food choices because it was easier to be frustrated. That frustration however led me to weigh 270 pounds and to have a size 24 waist. I chose to be lazy because it was easier to be frustrated instead of feeling guilty because I didn’t want to be sedentary any longer. That frustration however led me to be addicted to World of Warcraft and completely disassociate myself from my environment. I chose to stay in a relationship longer than I wanted because it was easier to be frustrated. That frustration however led me to hurting someone that cared deeply for me instead of freeing ourselves to find happiness.

Frustration is not easier than guilt.

They are both feelings that bring about negativity and ultimately sabotage our ability to be truly happy with who we are, where we’re going and what we’re trying to accomplish.  Taking control of our lives should always come first before anything else regardless of how we think other people will feel or how they will react. In the end, it’s our own fear of what we think they will do, say, act that causes them to do just what we imagined they would do.

In the end it’s our own fear that causes us to think, say and act in ways that keep us from succeeding.



They don’t belong.

You belong.




A binge is a binge regardless of the food


I feel like shit today.

I’m feeling sorry for myself. I can’t stop crying. I feel selfish and if I could put myself in a box and shove that box into a cupboard to be long forgotten I would have done it pronto like.

I’m not looking for sympathy. I’m not looking for words of encouragement that it will get better. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that emotions come and go as easily the tides and that this is how I feel right now and probably isn’t going to be how I feel tomorrow.


What I feel right now is intense. Intense enough that I’m writing this post at the same time I’m binging. My food of choice to binge: protein bars. Somehow because they are a “healthy” alternative to what I want to put in my mouth (like the 6lb tub of red vines less than 20 feet from me), binging on them makes it okay…

Nice way to justify it Tara.

I don’t want to put this third protein bar in my mouth. I can feel my wheels spinning. Eat this one then eat another. While you’re at it you can have another one and then fuck it, go work on the licorice. What’s the point? You can’t control the emotions and feeling. You tell everyone to stand firm and just feel the emotions when they come but today you can’t even do something simple like just let the day go. You can’t stay in the moment you are so far ahead of yourself and at the same time stuck in a past that you can neither change nor control that shoving food in your mouth is the only way to comfort what you’re feeling. So go ahead and shove that 3rd protein bar in your mouth then go grab the licorice…

I hate me right now.

And simultaneously:

I love myself.

I wish my arms were long enough to wrap around my body triple time so that I could squeeze hard enough to know I am worth this fight. I wish my words were loud enough to penetrate my heart and believe in this moment I am worth this fight. Right now my arms barely begin to ease the pain as I sit here wondering why of all days I had to go and have a freak out today. My words are loud but they are not filled with love.

And still I know what I’m doing is not appropriate.

Instead of opening up that third protein bar (which may or may not still happen) and eventually taking the slow 20 foot walk to the tub of licorice that right now is the one thing that loves me more than anything, I’m here. The pain isn’t less, but I am distracted. The voices in my head are loud but being here is keeping them at bay. I know tomorrow will feel different than today and even though I don’t feel like I’m worth it, I am.

I will cry.

I will feel sorry for myself.

I will feel frustration and anger.

I will be gentle with my feelings.

I will allow myself to eat this protein bar if I must.

I will not allow myself to eat the licorice.

I recognize that the behavior I am exhibiting could lead to a path of deeper destruction but I refuse to let that happen. I work hard to stay in the moment and this is just one of those times where the emotions are more intense and more hard to reign in….but it doesn’t mean that binging is an option.

It will never be an appropriate option for me.


I’m scared about the future. I’m sad about my past. I’m angsty over financials and keeping my head above water. I feel like I should be pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion all the time just to prove to myself that I am working hard to stay ahead of the game (whatever the game is) and truth be told: no matter how hard I work, right now it won’t be enough to make me feel good about who is looking back at me in the mirror.

I just have to trust this process. This process of living and staying in the moment. I have to trust that what I feel now is not what I will feel tomorrow. I have to trust that some days are going to be super shitty and on those days I will be okay even when I think I won’t be…
