5k recap / vibrams update / stuff

My number was 6605

It was spectacular on so many levels. First off it was a huge turnout or at least huge in my eyes. There were 850+ runners for the 5k portion and 2500+ runners for the 12k. This was serious business. How did I know that? There was no pre-run beer garden set up as there was for the Great Kilted Run.

To say I was nervous about this race would be an understatement. I wasn’t nervous because I didn’t know what was going to happen. This was my second race, I knew there would be a starting point. I knew there would be an ending point. I knew someone would tell me when to go and I knew all I had to do was follow the route put in front of me. I was nervous because I was running alone and my husband had come to watch.  We got there early but parking was so messed up that he had to drop me off and then go on his own adventure to find parking. I was afraid we wouldn’t find each other before race time. I couldn’t take my phone with me (no pockets) so I kissed him goodbye and said meet me at the finish line 40 minutes after the race starts (it was a good time assumption lol).

I was a little bummed we had to separate.

He’s never seen my run before. I wanted to spend the time before the race with him so he could see how excited I was about this whole concept of running. I try to explain it to him but to see it in action would have been better. So there I am walking around waiting for some cue to go line up. I peruse the vendors for a few minutes and then I hear the main announcer guy say that the participants for the 2k kids race were starting to cross the finish line.

Who doesn’t want to cheer kids running across a finish line?

As I was standing there watching an array of little feet run down the last 200 feet of the race I start thinking about the awesome start to life these little buggers have. Parents running with sons and daughters, encouraging them to do their best. Family members on the side lines freaking out when they spot their runner. Cameras clicking away at lightning speed to commemorate the event. I tried not to get distracted by my own sadness, wondering what could have been if only my mother had tried to put some effort into raising a healthier child. I’m clapping not only for the kids zooming past me but also for the adults in their lives for providing this opportunity to do something great. Through the midst of this emotional moment I look up to see my husband walking towards me.


We both watch the last of the kids running towards the finish line. I know he’s thinking the same thing as me: What was wrong with our parents? There is only about 10 minutes before the race begins so we amble over to the starting point. I stretch. I jump around to work some of the nerves out. It’s time for us to make last minute plans on where to meet and say goodbye. He walks away and I’m left there amongst the 800+ runners.


I put in my earbuds, turn the music down real low and take a couple of deep breaths. A sea of heads all in their own thoughts and I was one of them. The countdown begins and before you know it, it’s time to cross over the starting line. I was right about in the middle of the pack so I knew I could walk and get about a minute under belt before the timing chip activated. Then it was time to do what I came there to do.

I ran.

It was amazing being in that size of a crowd. I’m pretty sure the first mile I ran I was grinning ear to ear cause all I could see were runners in front of me and I was a part of that. I knew someone behind me was looking forward and while they may not have specifically been looking at me they were thinking “man look at all those runners”. Running a race is a lot like rush hour traffic. I had to weave in and out of other participants and find a good spot before moving on. I just imagined I was driving so when it came time to move into a new position I looked behind me and then made my move. I eyed a few people that I was catching up too, passed them and then found my next “target”.  Once all was settled and I had found a comfortable pace, I found the person I was going to pace myself with. I’m pretty sure this was her first race. I over heard her and her running partner say “Under 40 is all that matters”. I wanted to do under 40 too so I thought they’d be good to hang with.

I walked three times.

The first time was through the water line. That only lasted about 10 seconds. The second time was at mile 1.5ish. I couldn’t help but stop and high 5 a small group of very young girls that were cheering us on. Seriously, everyone was just running by them. I wanted them to know I appreciated them standing out here and clapping for us. The third time was for me. It was about mile 2.5 and I just wanted to take a break for a minute.  I’m still within sight of the targeted woman so I knew I was making good time. I take my rest and then get down to finishing this race. I knew I’d see the last leg of the race soon so I started giving myself the pep talk.

“Start strong. Finish Stronger”

I come around the last corner and saw the 3 mile marker. I needed to say goodbye to my pacer and finish the race. As I passed her I said “You got this!” and then took off. The last 200 feet and I saw my husband standing there off to the side. A burst of energy comes off of me (cause every wife wants to show their husband how fast they can run) and I cross over the finish line. I turn to wait for my pacer lady and as soon as she crosses over  the line I high five her and say “You totally came in under 40:00. Awesome job!”.

I find my husband and then this really cool thing happens: He wants to stay and watch the other runners come in. For the next 40 minutes or so we stand there and cheer on the incoming runners. It was awesome. We watched the 12k(ers) come in and I just kept thinking to myself:  I can’t wait until I can do that.

It will happen.

My official time was 37:00. 40 seconds faster than last race. Out of 855 runners I placed 613th. Out of 505 women runners I placed 331st and out of 52 women between the ages of 40 – 44 I placed 34th. I am extremely happy with these numbers and look forward to getting faster over the next couple of months.

First 10k is scheduled for July 17th!


As many of you know (if you follow me on twitter – hint hint) I’ve become the latest owner of a pair of Vibram Five Fingers. I’ve had them now for about a week. I’ve been using them solely at the gym to get accustom to the feel. So far this week, I’ve used them to swim, ride an upright stationary bike and I’ve run a mile on the treadmill a couple of times. As of  yesterday I’ve taken them to the streets. My runs have been short in distance (one mile yesterday, two today) but long on fun. I don’t think I’m going to have any problems transitioning from shoes to vibrams. In fact, if I could wear them all the time I would. I’m experiencing soreness on the bottom of my feet and in my calves but from what I read this is to be expected. The great thing about today’s run is that I did it and didn’t think once about walking. I ran for about 34 minutes non-stop. Already an improvement. My goal is to be able to run a 5k by next weekend.

10k in Vibrams???

I’ll keep you posted!


  • Superman is coming back on Wednesday. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am. I didn’t think I would miss his sessions as much as I have. Today I went out and gave Baby Bear and Mama Bear (The tractor tires) a good smack down in anticipation Wednesday’s appointment.
  • I had a “Free food day” on Saturday after the race. I didn’t log one item and I ate exactly what I wanted. I had dim sum and a piece of chocolate walnut cake from an asian bakery. I had one moment of panic but talked myself into calming down and made a deal that I could mow the lawn when I got home to work off some extra calories.
  • The chocolate walnut cake was delicious.
  • My yard looks fabulous.

Sound to Narrows 5k

Official results = 37:00


More later.

New Scale and OWiS #24

My trusty scale is no longer trusty. It’s old and it begged me to put it out of it’s misery. I complied. I bought a fancy new scale with all kinds of buttons. Of course as with all the other stories I heard about buying a new scale, I anticipated a different weight. I came home, set it up and then let it tell me my numbers.

About a two pound difference.

Okay, not bad. Will make for a small loss this week (but not really). The important word in that last sentence: Loss. There is one and I’m pretty damn stoked about it. I did manage to get one last weigh in on the old scale to do a comparison and help kick off using my new fancy smancy scale.

Old scale weigh in this morning:

So technically there is a 2.o pound loss this week. But it’s too confusing trying to keep track of actual loss compared to what the pictures show so I’m just consciously logging this as a two pound loss but for numbers/tracking purposes I’m going with the new  number. Without further ado I introduce to you my new scale, that I’ve lovingly named “Ten Toed Charlie” (ten toed because you can see all my toes now when I take a picture and Charlie cause well the combination sounds sort of Mafia gangster like).

The numbers:

  •  Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Week 16 = 225.6 (-2.2)
  • Week 17 = 222.4 (-3.2)
  • Week 18 = 219.2 (-3.2)
  • Week 19 = 221.4 (+2.2) *the brother situation
  • Week 20 = 213.8 (-7.6)
  • Week 21 = 212.0 (-1.8)
  • Week 22 = skipped
  • Week 23 = 208.0 (-4.0) over the course of two weeks
  • Week 24 = 207.6 (-.4) switched over to new scale
  • Make it a great day!

    Potential / Next Race / WWC update / Week in Review

    I was at the gym this morning when I saw this on the back of someone’s shirt:

    Live your potential

    My first thought was “Oh man that’s going to make a great blog theme”…My second thought was “what the hell does that mean?” I mean seriously, what does that mean? Do I even know what my potential is and if I did how do I measure the successes?

    Right now I’m comparing what I used to do (eating my way to an all time high of 275 pounds and playing world of warcraft until my eyes went cross-eyed) to what I’m doing these days (losing the first half of the 100 pounds I’m leaving behind, running – and liking it, breaking a sweat on a daily basis, eating with a conscious, staying in the moment) and I wonder if that is what it means to live your potential.

    I decided to turn to the all knowing Google and search “Live your potential” in hopes of finding some answers. But all I got was a load of crap mostly about starting your own at home business and some weird white powder food formula that promised me I could lose up to 14 pounds in 7 days…riiiiiight.

    Hmmmm, let me check the images that Google has to offer:

    Hi creepy dog.

    Better, but what the hell does a lady bug have to do with potential?

    Okay a little closer being I’m trying to become a runner.

    Then I came across this little beauty:

    There it is. Living to your potential means believing. Believe you can lose the weight. Believe you can get out of bed and make good choices. Believe that even when you don’t make the best choices in your journey you can start again at that very second. Believe you are worth every drop of sweat, every frustration, every fear and when you can’t seem to move forward believe in yourself and take a step. Believe you can run farther, faster, longer and stronger. Believe that when you fall down you will pick yourself up, dust yourself off and you will keep moving. Believe that even on those days that  seem the hardest they are easier than where you came from and you never need to return to your past. Believe that a goal is achievable no matter what it is if you break it down into smaller goals and continually strive to do you best no matter how many times it takes to succeed. Believe that every attempt is a success no matter the outcome. Believing = living your potential.

    Are you living your potential?


    Race day is tomorrow. EEEEEEK. 5k number two. It’s bigger. The course is more difficult. I’m bringing my husband. I’m not nearly as nervous since I kind of know what to expect. I’m wondering if I can do the entire 5k without walking? I’m wondering if that’s something I want to do? I’m wondering what my shirt will look like? I’m wondering if I should wear my Couch 2 5k shirt since this was supposed to be my first 5k and signing up for this event was so emotional (remember it took me 3 hours to register). I’m wondering what color socks to wear? I’m wondering how I’m going to feel on Sunday cause I really want to take my Vibrams out for spin in the real world and not just on the treadmill…

    And that was all in the last 3 minutes.



    I forgot to make an update on last week’s WWC that Jeremy so graciously hosted while Brandon was in NOLA. Here were my goals for last weekend:

    1) Enjoy my vacation but be conscious at all times what I am putting in my mouth. I will look at everything I want to eat and ask myself the following question: Is this fuel to help or empty calories that hinder? If it hinders I must be absolutely okay with consuming.

    2) Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. Consume a gallon of water each day.

    3) Get at least one hour of exercise in each day. I’m not sure what that means just yet but rumor has it I will have access to elliptical and treadmill.

    4) Log all food.

    I did pretty damn good.  I only had a minor hiccup for goal number one. In a moment of panic I purged some food but I’m only calling it a minor hiccup because it was an isolated incident and I don’t feel like it’s something I need to worry about.

    Overall grade: B+

    Lots of other Warriors participated in WWC. Go check them out:

    Brandon at So Long Fat Ass
    Rinn at Ring Around Rinn
    Frank at Male Weight Loss Now
    Joe at Joe the Runner
    Vinny at Fat to Fit Diary
    Molly at Fluffy Girl
    Shelli at Shelli Belly
    Jeremy at Stellar Path


    I’m not doing a week in review this week since I was just mostly on vacation. I’m doing my OWiS #24 tomorrow morning before the race if my scale hasn’t gone on the kaputz.

    It’s going to be a good number.


    Random bullets

    • It’s hard to get settled in after being away for almost a week. I’m not sure if that’s the way it is for most people. It doesn’t really matter if I’m away for 24 hours or for 24 days. I spend a few days upon my return making sure everything is as it was when I left. Nothing lost. Nothing moved. Pets accounted for. Car still parked where I left it and a Husband fed properly in my absense.
    • There are some changes happening at work that will affect my ability to keep up with my VBB(s). It’s not a good change but a change none-the-less. I feel like I should adjust my blogroll to a core handful of people I follow extensively since my response time to what people are doing in their journeys is being cut to almost nil.
    • I love my Polar FT4 except I’m still trying to emotionally adjust to the lower kcal numbers it’s giving me. I’m still burning a lot of calories while working out. Just not as many as I had initially thought. I’m impressed with the wireless capabilities of  the equipment at the gym. Most machines pick up my heart rate so I don’t have to keep looking at my watch.
    • I talked to my therapist about this. I’m confident this was an isolated incident. Better to not dwell and worry whether I’m returning to old behaviors. I’m not.
    • I am an official owner of Vibram Five Fingers. I took them to the gym today to give them a whirl on the treadmill and immediately shaved off 5 seconds on fastest mile to date. New PB mile is 10:35. I need to decide if I’m going to run in them this Saturday for my second 5k? I feel like it would be okay since I’m a pretty new runner. Any thoughts?
    • Speaking of which, I’m getting ready to run in my second 5k. Sound to Narrows takes place this Saturday. I had a running partner but she had to back out since she just finished the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon last week. I’m a little apprehensive about running alone. I’m sure it will be fine. I’m not looking to beat my 37:40 time since the course is much different and I might be running in my vibrams.
    • I had a complete stranger come up to me at the gym and say the following: “Your hard work here is really paying off. You look totally different from when you first started coming here“. I wanted to hug him and say thanks but at that particular moment I was showing the ARC trainer who was in control.
    • I’ve been reading “Triathlon for Women” by Sally Edwards. If I’ve taken anything away in the little portion that I’ve read it’s this: There is a difference between excercising and training. I don’t really exercise anymore which S.E. says the main purpose is to get into or stay in shape. Instead I train as S.E. describes it: “A person who trains has a greater goal in mind, a dream. Exercise is part of training, but it isn’t the only part or even the most important part. If you identify your goals, you will have a greater purpose to drive you out the door to grain even when you don’t feel like it“.

    Do you exercise or train?

    When I thought I was in control, I learned I wasn’t

    I’m not even sure how to begin this entry this morning.

    Honestly I guess.

    Last night I made myself sick.

    Not on accident.

    On purpose.

    There is nothing like writing a entry and crying your eyes out at the same time while trying to keep your emotions in check so that you can keep a clear head about what is going on emotionally. I almost didn’t want to write this entry this morning. I thought if I just let it go then no one will be the wiser. What’s the point of that? Isn’t this journey about being accountable for all actions? It’s about recoginzing old behaviors and while we often stumble down the same path wondering “why did I do that”, we’re constantly looking for a new path in which to travel in hopes of finding a new destination.

    I wanted to write about it last night. I waited because I didn’t want it to be a “beat the hell out of Tara” session. I’m still trying not to get all freaked out and throw myself down into some pit of self loathing that can take days/weeks to recover. I’m just going to sit in front of this computer and work it out to the best of my ability. I’m not posting this entry on FB or Twitter because this is more about me and not about sharing with the world one of the hardest things I have to think about.

    Best to start at the beginning.

    I’ve been feeling a little more than anxious since arriving to Cincinnati. I probably thought too much about the “what if’s” before coming and not enough about the “so what’s”. In hind sight everything has been great. I’ve been working out an hour a day, my calories have been spot on, I’ve eaten food that, while it might not be the best thing out there, it was pretty damn tasty in my mouth and it was only something I could get while here. Sunday was no different. I knew about our day’s plan. I knew we were going to Olive Garden after the graduation ceremony. I planned accordingly. I checked the menu. I checked the nutritional value on every item. I picked what I was going to eat. I knew there would be a dessert waiting for us once we got home. I pre-calculated that into my calories as close as possible. I swayed just a tiny bit while eating out. I ordered what I planned. I did not eat any of the appetizers. I did eat more bread and salad than originally alotted. No big deal. The meal was great. We get home and it’s time for dessert.

    It’s downhill from there.

    Here’s the strange part. I had alotted this into my calorie count. I wasn’t over. I ate the one piece. In fact I didn’t even eat the entire piece. Three quarters of the way through, something in my mind sent me into a panic. I can’t explain it. I don’t even know what I was thinking. I toss the rest of the cake and before you can even shake a finger at me and say “don’t  you do it”…I’m in the bathroom. I’m looking at myself in the mirror. I’m having a battle inside my head but I don’t know what’s being said. I know there was some sort of weighing of the options. I should have just allowed myself to sit with the notion of eating something and feeling uncomfortable. I know I said those things in my head:

    “It’s okay, you’re still in your calorie count”

    “What you feel at this moment, is not what you’re going to feel later”

    “Tara, go for a walk instead”

    “Seriously, it’s going to be okay”

    The next thing I know, I’m making myself sick. I haven’t had an urge this strong since way before Decemeber. Maybe even since the Summer. I wish I could say I knew why I did it. I don’t. I know I didn’t like the way my body felt after consuming the food and so much water and then the dessert just sort of tipped me over. I didn’t gorge myself. I don’t know if the amount of sugar consumed in a short amount of time made me a little crazy. I think it’s a combination of many things. Eating out. My heart rate monitor giving me lower kcal burns than I had anticipated. Not having a gym to access for the last 4 days. Being away from home. Not having a routine. I don’t really feel in control of my surroundings.

    Turning to a bulemic episode brought me some control.

    So here I am today. Trying my best to look forward and know that the choices I made last night, while not the best by any means were just that: Choices. I let panic and uncomfortableness take over and choose the path last night instead of rational thinking. I let old behaviors dictate my decisions even though I set a plan in action and was right on that plan 99% of the time. This morning I realize that I’m just not ready to spend long periods of time out of my comfort zone, even when that time has all the tools I need to make good/sound choices.

    I am ready to go home.

    I have one more day here. I’m overly sensitive to my surroundings. It’s time to slow down and just take in what I know to be true. I made myself sick yesterday. I will not do that today. I will not do that tomorrow. I will consume the food I have left and make only sound choices to what I put in my mouth. I will spend an hour breaking a sweat, I will get enough sleep tonight. I will go home and I will set myself back into a routine. I will talk about this in therapy even if it pains me. I will remind myself I am moving down the right path even if I feel like I just ran myself off the road.

    All paths lead back to the road to success.

    One step at a time. 


    Cincinnati and my 1000 calorie lunch!

    Cincinnati is prettier than I thought it would be. Or at least the suburb of Liberty Township is. It’s quiet. Like I’m out in the country. Houses are big. Yards are bigger. When you come from a place where houses are stacked up one on top of the other you forget that not every place is like that. Yesterday is sort of a blur to me. I didn’t hardly sleep on the plane. I gave up my window seat to the woman that was sharing a row with me. She asked nicely and I’m a sucker for politeness. It’s hard to sleep when sitting in the upright position and a stranger sitting next to you. It’s one thing to be able to sprawl all over your traveling partner but when you are traveling alone the last thing you want to do is invade someone else’s very limited space.

    I did manage to squeeze in a short nap after being up for 30+ hours.

    Short is the operative word.

    I finally got to test out my Polar FT4 hrm after the short nap. I strapped up and hit the treadmill / elliptical. 71 minutes later I was told that I burned 597 kcals. It’s the first accurate reading I’ve had since starting this LCJ and I’m not surprised to find that up until now my kcal counts have been off. I’ve been relying on the machines/calorie king database / crappy Target hrm. It was lower than I had anticipated, but I think thats pretty common.  The FT4 will help me nail down my calorie in —-> calories out over the course of the next couple of weeks and get an even better grasp on food intake.

    Speaking of which, I consumed a 1000 calorie lunch at this place called Skyline Chili. It was incredible and frightening all in the same forkful. My friend told me you can’t get this stuff anywhere else (thank goodness!) and I had to try the restaurant or else it wouldn’t be a real Cincinnati vacation. I should have gotten pictures when the food was put before me but it was so overwhelming that I could only think of one thing: HELP. I did manage to find some pictures online so you can get some idea of what I’m talking about.

    This is called the “3 way” You can get this in three different sizes (s, m, and shit your pants large). I got the regular. You can also order this as a skyline (“I’ll take a regular 3-way skyline”) and that means it comes with 50% more cheese on it. I KNOW RIGHT???!!!  Everyone I was with ordered this dish as a skyline. I didn’t cause the picture on the menu scared me with all the cheese. It came to me looking pretty much like the picture here. I immediately removed half the cheese and gave it to someone else. So in a sense they had a 3-way with a skyline and a half. Who would have thought, cheese, chili and spaghetti noodles would taste so good together…it did. They also serve this dish as a 4-way (diced onions OR red beans) and as a 5-way (diced onions AND red beans). I would have been happy with just this for lunch but since I’ve never been there I just ordered what my friend ordered so in addition to the cheesychilipasta goodness I got these…


    I KNOW RIGHT???? Okay but first off let me just say I got these WITHOUT CHEESE. They are like little mini hotdogs a.k.a “Coneys” (two probably equate to one regular hotdog). I can’t believe the amount of cheese that comes on practically every item on their menu. The guy who took our order sort of gave me the hairy eye when I asked for mine to come sans cheese. It was probably his first clue I was from out of town. In the end I ate 3/4 of the 3-way and one full Coney and the hotdog out of the other. I came home and luckily CalorieKing had these delicious little nuggets of cheesychilipastahotdoggy goodness in their database. Calculate, calculate, calculate and the total was 1000 calories.


    I hit my friends mini gym for an hour today to help work off some of the calories and give me a little wiggle room in case I got hungry later in the evening (which I did). At the end of the day I came out under my calorie count, a gallon of water down, a great work out and some delicious food only found in Cincinnati.

    A great day to be on vacation!

    Weekend Warrior Challenge

    That’s right folks, it’s the first of the month so it’s time to dust off your armor and come play with the big kids who are making some kick ass changes in their life and doing it together.

    Brandon is out of town this weekend. We’re both out of town for the first time since starting this journey (which we started at the same time…does that make us New Journey Siblings – NJS?).

    Jeremy is hosting June’s WWC here. Thanks for hosting Jeremy!!

    Here are my goals:

    1) Enjoy my vacation but be conscious at all times what I am putting in my mouth. I will look at everything I want to eat and ask myself the following question: Is this fuel to help or empty calories that hinder? If it hinders I must be absolutely okay with consuming.

    2) Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate. Consume a gallon of water each day.

    3) Get at least one hour of exercise in each day. I’m not sure what that means just yet but rumor has it I will have access to elliptical and treadmill.

    4) Log all food.


    OWiS #23 a few days early

    I’m two days early. Putting OWiS up today so I can start this vacation with a kick ass number to remind me that I’m working towards a goal and to not lose sight when making choices this week / next week. So here we go…

  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Week 16 = 225.6 (-2.2)
  • Week 17 = 222.4 (-3.2)
  • Week 18 = 219.2 (-3.2)
  • Week 19 = 221.4 (+2.2) *the brother situation
  • Week 20 = 213.8 (-7.6)
  • Week 21 = 212.0 (-1.8)
  • Week 22 = skipped
  • Week 23 = 208.0 (-4.0) *over the course of two weeks
  • There you have it people.

    Eight pounds to Onederland.

    I hope they have rides there.

    Random thoughts…

    • I am officially starting my vacation in 24 hours. I’m going to Cincinnati to see my best friend Michelle. We lost touch for many years (mostly my fault – hello stupid). She came home in December and took this picture of me:

    She has no idea who is stepping off that plane Friday morning.

    • This is my first trip away from home since starting this journey. To say I’m a little nervous / anxious would be an understatement. Every time my mind races to the “what if’s” I’m trying to combat it with “And so what”…Seriously so what? Whatever happens while on vacation isn’t what happens when I’m home. I’m mentally prepared. I know I may be in situations where I won’t be able to buy food that is the absolute best choice for me but I will still be choosing. I’ve had 5 months to practice and it’s time I put that practice to use. I have access to treadmill / elliptical. I have access to the outside. If I’m so desperate, I’ll find a damn gym and buy a day pass. I need to chill out. I need to enjoy myself. Hell, I’ve got a 3 hour layover in Vegas baby, what’s not to enjoy?
    • I won’t be seeing Superman for 2 weeks (insert collective awwwww). I’m gone next week then he’s gone the following week. As a good bye session today he worked my ass off. So much so other gym rats stopped to watch. I felt pretty bad ass but then I almost threw up. I cried too cause it was so damn tough (but not in front of him of course RAWR).
    • While I’m going to miss Superman, I’m really excited to be on my own for the next two weeks. I won’t do any weight training while on vacation (until June 8th). Once I return I will spend 2 days as if I’m in session and be my own trainer. I will need to think of a good superhero name (I’m thinking of going with Clobberella from Futurama).
    • Today I bought a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor. I’m feeling pretty hardcore right now. I had a lesser quality monitor (read: Something craptastic from Target) and since I’m getting ready to train for a triathlon (I can’t believe I just wrote that!) I want something that will be more accurate. I’m wearing it right now. My resting heart rate is between 57 – 60. That’s an athletes resting heart rate. I love this FT4.
    • Today was National Running Day. To celebrate I ran 1.5 miles. It’s not as far as I wanted but with an ankle on the mend, I’d say it was pretty good. When I started this LCJ back in January never did I think I’d actually be so darn excited about this day. Life is pretty terrific right now.
    • My therapist no showed today. I handled it pretty well. Instead of freaking out I realized I had some time to kill before work so I went back to the gym and swam. I am definitely getting faster. One mile (70.4 lengths / laps) = 35 minutes. Could have been faster but I like to stop every 10 laps to drink water and keep count. No stopping probably more like 28 – 30  minutes. The best part about this bullet: I didn’t freak out!
    • My next 5k is coming up in two weeks. Sound to Narrows is June 12th. 3 days after I return from my trip. I’m not going to be doing too much running before hand since I really want my ankle to heal up. I need to pick another race right quick. I’m thinking 10k…..
    • HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THAT IS PURE: I just signed up for a 10k on July 17th! Oh man I’ve got to get training on this one. Okay breath! First vacation, then 5k then train. Oh man what did I just do?
    • Even though I didn’t do an official weigh in on Saturday ( and I may have to skip this Saturday since on vacation) I am out of my 2teens. I am officially beginning the countdown to Onederland. The scale said 208 this morning and I am stoked. I read about other people’s Onederland count down and thought “that will not be me anytime soon”. Well I proved myself wrong. I am going to dig deep and do whatever I can to cross over into 199dom by the end of June.  Two pounds a week is not only doable but absolutely obtainable.
    • Onederland…wow.