One mile madness / Tractor Tires / Fog is clearing

In anticipation of meeting with Superman today, forging a summer long training schedule and being pushed to a sweaty mess of muscle soreness, I woke up with a lot of anxiety . I decided that my one mile run was going to be faster today than it was last week which meant I was going to need to come out under 12:00 minutes.

I don’t know how your math skills are or your time keeping for that matter but in order for my mile to be better than 12:00 I was going to need to see an 11 on the machine when I was finished. 11 can be a very intimidating number only because I knew I’d have to keep the speed at nothing less than 5.1 mph if I wanted it to happen.

I wanted it to happen bad!

I started at 5.o mph and slowly but surely bumped it up little by little. I got so far as 5.4 for a bit. I like the speed. It feels natural. I wish I could keep the pace but after about 5 minutes I had to bump it down to 4.7 and stay there for a while. At 8 minutes I slowly moved my way back up to 5.2 and there I stayed. At about 10 minutes I had to make a decision. This pace would put me over the 12 minute mark (still an excellent time) but it’s not what I wanted. Under 12 would jump start my workout with Superman and push me forward back into the frame of mind I lost last weekend. I needed to force myself back to that fighter mentality…

I needed my mojo.

At the .90 mile mark I pushed.

5.5 mph.

5.8 mph.

6.0 mph

6.3 mph.

It was amazing. I was running at 6.3 mph and it wasn’t killing me (at least not too much). Granted I only ran at that speed for a minute but when you start from nothing and 4 months later you’re running at 6.3 mph, it was FREAKING AMAZING! I crossed the one mile mark and looked at the time..



I had a few minutes before Superman so I ran to see if there were any messages from work. There was a message but not from work. It was Superman. He had to cancel our session today. Dammit all to hell! But hey I ran a 11:55 mile and had some time to kill so I swam laps.

100 of them to be exact.

That’s what I like to call an awesome workout. I highly suggest you get yourself one real soon. It can help jump start your morning, your day and even your life…


I’ve been talking about these bad boys for a while now and finally got around to taking some pictures. They are my new best friends. There is a third but I won’t show it’s beautiful tire-goodness until I can flip that bitch!

It might be a while.

I’m gonna call this little guy “Baby Bear”. It’s the smallest of the three but still fairly large as you can tell by my backpack. I needed something to compare sizes. That’s a huge backpack and it is stuffed full of all my stinky work out clothes from running my mile today…oh and in case you missed it I ran that mile in 11:55 FREAKING AWESOME MINUTES!!! Baby Bear isn’t too bad to move but after 200 feet the return trip can be a doozie!

Of course this is “Mama Bear” (You see where I’m going with this right?). She is sooooo freaking heavy. The first time I tried I couldn’t even get my hands under it (but moving baby bear 200 feet and back might have had something do with that). I wasn’t about to be defeated so on a non-Superman day I went out there and flipped her once. Just once but it was cool. I kind of felt like one of those guys from the “worlds strongest man” competition (only their tires are 450 pounds…this one not so much). The next day Superman was so excited I went out there on my own he made me do it again…I flipped it 3 times! Watch out Strongman competition.

Better yet, watch out “Papa Bear”


When one decides to swim 100 laps there is this little thing called “Time” that you have to reflect on life and the what-nots that come along with it. I mean you can only think about your shopping list and what bills need to be paid for so long.

I’m feeling much more clear headed these days. I’ve had a few setbacks emotionally what with the news that my brother is refusing to get help but I really have come to a place in my life that I truly understand those are his actions and his alone to live.  I realize I am upset/sad at his situation because it is not what I chose when I was in his shoes. I can’t put that on him.

It’s not fair for the both of us.

As I swam those 100 laps I  said a quiet thank-you to the universe for giving me the opportunity to become human again. I thanked my past for all the hardships that brought me to where I was this morning. I thanked my body for working hard to lose 100+ pounds. I thanked my mind for staying in the moment.

I thanked Superman for not showing up today.


Taking recommendations…

Okay blogland here’s the assignment.

Take a look at my blogroll and let me know who’s missing.

Lost  a little.

Lost a lot.

Been at it a while.

Just starting out.

Blogs everyday.

Or maybe once a week.

Has taught you something.

Made an impression.

Forged a friendship.

Got Game.


Uses humor.

Or brutally honest.

Tell me who should be here and I will do the rest!

Moving on and moving forward…

I allowed myself 24 hours to be emotionally distraught over my first weight gain and today I’m ready to move on and move forward. Here are some things I know to be true about my life right now:

  • I do not weigh 263 pounds
  • I am not living the life of my brother
  • I am not sitting in front of the computer for hours and hours on end
  • I am moving more today than I ever have in my entire life
  • My muscles are getting stronger
  • I look forward to getting up in the morning
  • I am inspired by folks that have fought this war before me
  • I am inspiring folks that are just beginning to wage their own fight
  • I am emotionally stronger than ever
  • I am focused
  • I am looking forward
  • I am a runner
  • I will do whatever it physically takes to never go back to where I came.
  • I am in a better place today because I am learning to love who I am and what I can offer this world.

24 hours is over and it’s time to get back to this fight. Last week was chaotic and emotional but it does not dictate how I move forward. It does not dictate the dedication to my own life and becoming a stronger, faster, more emotionally stable person.  The experiences of my family members are not my experiences today. I know what it’s like to feel despair and depression. I know what it’s like to have to convince yourself to get out of bed only to return because you can’t function in the real world. I know what hopelessness feels like but not today…


This morning I strapped my running shoes on and ran because I have hope.

I finally ran an entire 5k without stopping. NOT ONE STOP! I wanted to. I cried because I wanted to walk but today’s run was about moving on and moving forward. Running towards a new life and away from an old one. Running toward change and away from mediocracy. Running toward living life and away from emotional death. What my brother chooses will not deter me from my choices.



Superman called today and said the following: “Hey there favorite client of mine…just called to tell you to be prepared to get dirty tomorrow during our session“…I have the best.trainer.ever!


OWiS #19….the streak is over.

I knew it when I wrote yesterday’s post that today would be the first time in this journey that I would have a gain. You try to not let it get to you but it’s hard. I try to say “it’s only 2.2 pounds” but with what’s been happening to me this week it feels like a ton. I try to stay in the moment but I can hear that old tape recorder warming up in my head saying things like “I knew you would gain eventually”, “All that hard work and still you failed”, “Everyone knows you can’t do this”, “You’re so lazy”, “I hate you”….

I shouldn’t be this emotional over such a small number but I’m not going to lie to you. I am. I know it’s much more than that as well. I know I should be working towards letting this past week go and looking toward next week as I work through this situation with my brother. If ever I needed the ability to dig in my heels, draw the line and get back to business it’s this week.

  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Week 16 = 225.6 (-2.2)
  • Week 17 = 222.4 (-3.2)
  • Week 18 = 219.2 (-3.2)
  • Week 19 = 221.4 (+2.2) *The situation
  • The day’s between Week 18 and Week 19 were extremely stressful. Emotionally I managed to keep my head above water. In the past this wouldn’t have happened. I would  have sat in a cesspool of feelings that did nothing but keep me down. I went to the gym everyday this week regardless of my emotional state and as soon as I post this I’m putting my gym bag together to go and swim until I cry (which really considering how I’m feeling right now the crying will start in about 3 seconds).

    The hardest part about this is my weigh in on Monday with Superman. There will be a gain and I feel like I want to lie and say “I ate too much” (which I didn’t, if anything I didn’t eat enough this week) because I don’t know how to say “it’s stress gain” without having an emotional breakdown.

    I know I probably sound like a whiny baby. I feel like it for sure. There’s so much more to this than just those damn 2.2 pounds. I will stay in the moment. I will move forward. I do not weigh 263 pounds any longer. The scale does not define me. I will fight. I will allow myself to feel. I will let go. I will be free.

    Fubariffic / A Special Shout Out to BBP / Pre OWiS Week in Review


    I feel like this is the only way to describe how my week has been. It has seriously sucked. I’m trying to keep it together but in light of my brother’s situation it’s not happening. My brother has left the hospital and as of today is refusing to seek any sort of in-patient treatment. How you go from having alcohol related seizures, almost dying, being hooked up to ventilator, hallucinating and losing all motor skills to walking out of the hospital without a plan of action is way beyond my comprehension.

    I’m finding it hard not to take this emotional crap that he carries and wear it myself. I know I said “if he refused to go to treatment, I wouldn’t continue a relationship with him” but I didn’t actually think he’d refuse.

    Seriously who would refuse after all that?

    So here I am. Full of even more anger. Full of even more sadness. He no longer stands at the crossroad between getting sober and dying drunk. He picked his road. Now I stand at my own crossroad. Let him go or continue to be emotionally tied to his alcoholism. Free myself or continue to live under the shadow of my family’s inability to live up to our potential.You’d think it would be an easy road to pick.

    It’s not

    People often say “Tara, you’re so strong” or “Tara, you just have a great attitude towards life” but it wasn’t that way until I started this journey a short four months ago. I was a high functioning depressed person. I knew how to hide what I was feeling. I knew how to eat my way into some form of doableness (yes, I just made that word up). I knew how to get lost in a fantasy world and forget that I existed as a human being. I knew how to live as my family lived…a walking dead person.

    I’ve tried for so long to explain to people that this weight loss journey isn’t just about watching the scale go down in numbers. It’s about getting my life back. It’s about looking at this picture:

    And deciding that this sad woman deserves more than just weighing 263 pounds and living a life full of depression. Living no life at all really. I use words like “Fight”, “Battle”, “War” “Casualty” because that’s what this is for me. If I didn’t do something I would end up just like my mother (dead at 52), just like my oldest brother (dead at 50) and soon to be just like the youngest brother (alive at 46 but for how much longer?). I didn’t think anyone understood.

    Until I read this post

    Sentences pop out at me like a punch in the gut.

    change becomes life or death.

    A sense of urgency kicks in.

    It’s that moment where you know it’s game over unless you do something to save yourself.

    For the first time someone just described what the last four months of my life has been about. Not just the last four months behind me but the years ahead of me too. Every drop of sweat, every mile run, every tractor tire pushed and every lap swam is taking me farther and farther away from the picture up there.

    and closer to my potential

    So I’m sending out a special thanks to Rachel today. She’s fought my war and survived. It gives me hope that I too will survive. One drop of sweat at a time.


    GAH, now that the emotional dump truck is out of the way I can move on to the official pre OWiS Week in Review. I’ve had some great ups and some not so great downs. It was just a week to put my head down and push through to the weekend, which I will enjoy immensely by kicking some ass on the elliptical and swimming some serious laps in the pool. If I’m not too sore on Sunday I’m shooting for a non-stop 3.1 mile run. With that, lets move on to the review:

    Sunday:  I signed up for my first Weekend Warrior Challenge put on by Brandon. I drank my gallons of water, did my 70 bosu ball sit-ups and swam 90 laps in the pool. I would have also practiced for my upcoming half marathon walk, but my brother decided to have seizures and get airlifted to the hospital…way to go brother.

    Monday: I saw Superman and earned me some battle scars. I also spent the day at the hospital.

    Tuesday:  I ran a personal best mile of 12:10 seconds. I wanted to swim a mile but eeked out 50 laps. Then I went to the hospital.

    Wednesday:  After three long days of being at the hospital I decided I needed to get back to some sense of normalcy. I ellipticalled, I stair climbed, I sit uped, I ran a mile…oh and I pushed the tire tractor on my own.

    Thursday: I saw Superman, I pushed an even bigger tractor tire and my short lived 12:10 mile was beat out by a 12:02 mile. Oh and I won my very first blog award!

    Friday: My short lived 12:02 mile was beat out by a 12:01 mile. I am flying!

    I worked hard this week despite the fubarrifficness that occurred. The scale has been all over the place this week. Loss or gain, I don’t much care. Monday I open up a can of WWOPD and kicking this crap goodbye!

    See you tomorrow!

    24 hours later / a blog award

    Oh man I am feeling so much better. It’s amazing what 24 hours away from an emotionally draining situation can do for your psyche. I slept pretty damn good. I’ve easily consumed my gallon of water. My food intake has been healthy. I had a great session with Superman this morning. Hard to believe but it was better than Monday. He is pushing so hard and I am surviving. We talked a lot about how hard this is for me and how appreciative I am that he is a no-nonsense kind of trainer. I told him that I pushed that damn tractor tire by myself yesterday and as a reward he made me push the next biggest one.

    Pure Awesomeness!

    My mile run today was even faster than Monday: 12:02! I kept the speed at 6.0 mph for a little longer today. I can’t believe how fast I feel like I’m running. When I started running on the treadmill regularly 4.0 mph was a difficult pace to keep.  I’m fluctuating between 4.7 – 5.0 mph as a regular speed now for the mile runs. It’s not a speed I could do for longer durations but 12 minutes non-stop is alright in my book. Speaking of book, Rachel over at BodybyPizza has recommended  “Chi Running” by Danny Dreyer to help improve my posture and endurance. I’ve got it on hold at the library and can’t wait to pick it up!

    17 days until my first 5k.


    I’ve received my first blog award. I’m still so new at this I’m not even sure what all this means but I hear I have to follow the rules so here we go:

    I actually received this blog award from two people almost simultaneously. A big thanks to Anthony over at  Sureshotrevolver (who by the way just ran a kick ass 5k) and Josie over at 35andshrinking (who by the way is sooooo close to Onederland!).

    Here’s what I get to do:

    1. Get really excited that you got the coolest award EVER!
    2. Choose ONE of the following options of accepting the OMB award:
      • Get really drunk and blog for 15 minutes straight, or for as long as you can focus.
      • Write about your most embarrassing moment.
      • Write a “Soundtrack of your childhood” post.
      • Make your next blog a ‘vlog’/video blog. Basically, you’re talking to the camera about whatever.
      • Take a picture of yourself first thing in the morning, before you do anything else (hair, make up, etc)and post it.
    3. Pass the award on to at least three, but preferably more, awesome bloggers as yourself. Don’t forget to tell them.

    I’m opting for the “Take a picture first thing in the morning”. Here I am in all my glory, cross eyed and all:

    This was taken this morning at 5:04am. And yes I always look this good in the morning! I especially like my wolverine hairdo! At least I clean up nice. Now I need to pick some of my own peeps to get this lovely award so I’m going with Valerie @  Seattlerunnergirl, Steve @ NerdFitness, and Meegan @ Redstar5. IF for some reason these people are NOT on your blogroll, then you are missing out!

    In search of normalcy / 12.10 / picture proof.

    *Deep sigh*

    The last three days have been…well they just have been. I am walking around in a cloud of confusion and disappointment. Sadness and anger. I haven’t slept well. I haven’t eaten well. I’m definitely not drinking enough water. The only saving grace is I’ve been to the gym every morning and sweating through my feelings as I tackle another day.

    I’ve been with my brother for the last three days and it has sapped any semblance of normalcy out of my life. I need to get that back so I am taking the next three days and leaving him in the hospital so he can think about the decisions that lay ahead of him while I return to my regular scheduled life.

    Without going into too much detail, my brother is in a bad place. He’s detoxing from alcohol and is pretty much helpless at this point. No motor skills. Confused. Hallucinating and if you ask me very lucky to be alive (but if you ask him, he may say differently).

    I can’t help him any longer. This is his battle. I will return to the hospital Saturday and give him an ultimatum:  In patient treatment or I’m cutting off my relationship for good. I will not spend the next (insert random # of months,  years) returning to the emergency room to find him hooked up to a ventilator. I won’t watch as he hallucinates that people who are no longer living are standing in front of him as he has non-existent conversations with them.

    I will not be a casualty in his war.


    Yesterday I ran a 12.10 mile on the treadmill. I’m going to try and run a mile every morning on the treadmill since I can’t run during the week. I was trying to push myself to run much longer in the previous weeks but it wasn’t working. Knowing I’m only on there for a mile turns it into a game. I got the up to 6.0mph and it was awesome. I was running so fast. It was only for short time (2 minutes tops) but because it was so fast I could bump it down to 5.0mph and feel like I was walking…


    My war wounds are coming along nicely.

    This means 2 things for tomorrow’s date with Superman: No Planks and no Captain’s chair! Woot woot!

    P.S. Thanks everyone for all the nice comments over the last couple of days. It really means a lot to me. I won’t be able to respond to everyone comments but please know they have been a tremendous help over the last couple of days!

    Sweat admist chaos…

    This is a short post. I have exactly 20 minutes on this particular computer. It’s the computer at the hospital. My brother is here. This Brother. It’s complicated. It’s related to his alcholism. I’m the next of kin. I don’t quite even know what that means at this point.

    I’ve been thrown for a loop. 

    I’m trying to get keep some normalcy in my life. Hence this post. I need to remember this is him. This is not me. I will do what I can to help him move in the right direction if that is what he wants but I will not put myself in any position but first. With that said, I’ve got some updating to get to.

    This weekend was my first ever weekend warrior challenge put on by Brandon over at So Long Fat Ass. To revist, my goals were as followed: 1)Drink a gallon of water both Saturday and Sunday 2) Do 70 bosu ball sit-ups 3) Swim 90 laps.

    The results : All three goals were achieved!!!! The physical portion of my wwc was completed in one swoop at the gym with a 60 minute elliptical session for poops and giggles. It was just after I got done that I got word my brother was airlifted to the hospital.

    Sweat admist chaos.

    I came home from the hospital last night and vowed to keep my appointment with Superman today. I was so angst when I woke up that I got there early to run a mile on the treadmill. I pushed as hard as I could to get my head clear. When it was clear, it was time for my appointment and he must have seen something in my eyes because he pushed me almost to the brink of throwing up.

    It’s exactly what I needed.

    I boxed, I ran, I moved a 20 pound tractor tire outside. I pushed, I pulled, I did a walking plank. I gave Superman the finger and it made his day! In the end I have some awesome rug burns on my arms (from the planks) and he knows I’m not afraid to get dirty while moving a damn tractor tire. On my way out of the gym I stopped and gave him a “DAP” (knocking fists) and he just looked proud.

    He said he was sorry about the rug burns. I wear them proudly as battle scars in this war. This war of chaos and trying to move forward even though life gets in the way. This war of becoming a better human being even though genetically it’s stacked against me. This war of “I will not quit” and if you think I will…

    I have the battle scars to prove you wrong.


    OWiS #18

    A new month.

    A new number.

    A new catergory.

    Thank you again body for every drop of sweat, every tear and for every time I  just didn’t think you could but dug in your heals and proved me wrong. The half way mark is just in front of you. Being “overweight” (which is a compliment) instead of “obese” is now within your reach. I won’t ask you to find the strength to keep going because it’s already in you.

    Keep fighting!

    Keep moving!

    Keep living!

    The numbers:

  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Week 16 = 225.6 (-2.2)
  • Week 17 = 222.4 (-3.2)
  • Week 18 = 219.2 (-3.2)
  • Friday Wrap Up / And ohhhh a yoga mat

    It’s that time of the week again folks. The time where I review the last seven days in preparation for OWiS #18. I do this to help me remember this journey isn’t about numbers but about becoming a healthier me. It’s also about taking control of my life and moving closer to what I was born to be; an athlete.

    However, I am soooo close to 219 that this particular weigh-in is pretty much about the number. My calorie intake has been impressive (as per Superman).  My work outs have been intense (Minus Monday of course) and  I would like nothing more than to say goodbye to my 220’s  tomorrow morning. If not, it’s okay. I just keep my head down and keep moving. I am moving in the right direction and that my friends is the point of this journey.

    Let’s get started

    Saturday / Sunday – I declared these two days “NO GYM” days. Saturday I had some pent-up energy from sitting in a workshop all day so I ran up 10 flights of stairs. Sunday I decided to forego using a running program any longer. I felt constricted and needed to find the freedom to decide what worked for me. I took my run back to the streets and SHAZAM, I ran 5.5 miles!

    Monday – I shared some personal information about my DISLIKE for change and my workout suffered because of it.

    TuesdaySuperman proved himself to me once again. I learned a new mathematical equation (craptastic Monday = fantastic Tuesday) and I rocked it on the elliptical for an hour! I also pledged to run a real 5k (May 23rd) three weeks before my original 5k  (June 12) because Tony asked me too.

    Wednesday – I officially became a Weekend Warrior. To celebrate I swam a mile. I went a little extra on this WWC and incorporated 25 other people to join me. William Wallace would be proud.

    Thursday – I think I upped my game with Superman and for that I am tickled pink. Not only am I tickled pink, but I’m also painted blue for the upcoming WWC!

    Friday – That leads us to today…I had a fantastic run!! I ran for 3.1 miles of which I only walked once for 45 seconds. This is a massive improvement over what I have been doing.  I ran 2.5 miles before walking…5 months ago I couldn’t run a block.  Then I swam a mile and I’ve been pooped ever since 🙂

    Looking back over April, it’s been a very cool month. I ran almost 30 miles and swam the equivalent of 8.7 miles. I lost a total of 10.4 pounds (which is the second highest loss since starting this journey). I am looking forward to what May brings (besides the flowers) and I think the WWC is a great way to get started.

    Tomorrow is another NO GYM day but I’m taking it one step further and declaring it a rest day. My husband and I have not had a day off together in over 4 weeks and I’m not about to waste this one sweating at the gym. I’ll weigh in, go back to bed and then enjoy the day with the man I love.


    I won my very first giveaway!

    My VBB Jeremy over at Stellar Path won a really cool yoga mat from a previous giveaway and liked it so much he contacted the company to see if they would be willing to sponsor another giveaway on his blog. They agreed and I am the lucky recipient. The company is called Aurorae Yoga and the reviews from Jeremy are stellar (pun intended)! I’m really excited. There is a Sunday Yoga class at my gym that I’ve been too intimidated to go too but this is just the ticket to get me into that class.

    I went with the Solar color.

    I’m going to have to start thinking of my own giveaway here. I’m thinking bubbalicious and some old rubber bands….Hmmm, I better keep thinking.

    See you all in the morning!