I’m am super stoked about my first WWC weekend coming up. Here’s a recap of my 3 goals for this challenge:
- Drink a gallon of Water Saturday and Sunday.
- 70 sit-ups on the bosu ball at gym at one time.
- Swim 90 laps.
I’ve put the challenge out to other folks (both IRL and VBB) and so far have I have 15 people signed up. In order to prepare for the challenge I have to get in the right frame of mind…
The theme is based on Braveheart and while it would be fantastic to yell in my best William Wallace voice “Go back to England and tell them there that Scotland’s daughters and her sons are yours no more. Tell them Scotland is free.” and then jump in the pool and swim 90 laps, I’m pretty sure it won’t happen.
Hmmmm, or maybe it will.
But just in case, I’ve got to do something that will keep me going during those damn bosu ball sit-ups and pushing past lap # 70. I need something to look at and say to myself “I AM A WARRIOR and I will not be defeated this weekend”.
The coolest thing happened while painting my toenails (which btw I have no clue how to do. Seriously there was no girly stuff in my house growing up). I started to visualize my success. I saw myself doing all 70 sit-ups and swimming 90 laps. I saw myself tired, sweaty and moving slow but still moving in a forward fashion. As silly as it sounds I feel like I am preparing for battle and if I go down, it will be in a blaze of beautiful glory.
There are a lot of thoughts going through my head at the moment and I’m having a hard time organizing them into some meaningful post that will not only inspire me to get out there and make a difference in my life but also the lives of those that read what I put on these pages.
Thought #1. I had a great session with Superman today. It was our first official weigh in since we starting back in March. The first time we met I weighed (with clothes) 236. Today I weighed in at 224. He actually used the word “impressive”…well shoot doesn’t that just make a girl want to break a sweat?
Which I did.
He worked my upper body something fierce. I think he knows I’m not playing around on this LCJ and is really starting to push me. Not in a bad way, just in a “gimme me two more” kind of way. I am relatively low on the weight baring but everyday I am getting stronger and everyday I am digging deeper to push past the “I can’t(s)”. At the end of our session he high fived me and said “Awesome”.
It doesn’t take much people.
Thought #2 – Tomorrow I have some extra time before school and going to use that get in a run and a swim. My focus will be to run that 3.1 mile course by the gym without stopping. I will run with a purpose and that purpose is to kick off my WWC weekend with a run that would make William Wallace proud. If I feel like walking, I’ll just think about my pretty toes!
Thought #3 – I need a reward. I’ve worked my ass off the last two weeks and not really given myself anything substantial that says “Thanks for all the hard work”. I’m going to go to BR and get me a scoop of Pralines n’ Cream this weekend. I’m not too worried about the calories since in addition to tomorrow’s workout and WWC, I’m also doing a practice walk with some friends to get ready for the upcoming half-marathon walk on May 16th. My problem isn’t really with food cause I love eating healthier. My problem is allowing myself some recognition for the work being put into this journey.
Thought #4 I am officially signed up for two 5k(s) and a half marathon walk coming up in the next month or so. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d do this. Seriously. I was the epitome of “I’ll never” and “I can’t” but reading all of your blogs and talking to people on CalorieKing has really helped open my eyes to “I will” and “Watch this”!
Thought #5 I’m going to spend the day with my husband on Saturday. I’ve missed him something horrible. His work has been chaotic and I’ve not seen him much over the last three weeks. I’m going to hold his hand allllll day!
What are your thoughts?