I’ve just spent the last 90 minutes going through my cd’s to get some new music on my ipod shuffle. Here’s what I’ve got…
I can’t wait to put this music to work in about 30 minutes!
Dear Body; I would just like to take this opportunity to give you a heart filled thank you for all the hard work you have done for me these past 4 months. I’ll admit when I first asked you to embark on this journey, I didn’t think you had it in you. I’ll be the first to admit, you have more determination than I could have imagined.
So today Body, I present to you the OWiS #16…you should be proud, cause me and Optimus Prime are more proud of you today than you can imagine! The numbers Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
You’ve really shown me what your made of Body. Now get out there and show me what you’ve got!
I’m going to try and make it a habit to post a week in review the night before my OWiS. I think it’s important to remember this journey is no longer about numbers (though them moving in the right direction is always an added bonus).
With that in mind, tomorrow is OWiS #16. I have had an incredible week of ups and downs, frustrations and successes, laughs and tears…oh man the tears this week! I hit a brick wall and then tore it down. I picked up two new mantras and I put some more steel in my steel toed shoes for my ass kickin, name taking journey. Here are the highlights: Sunday – I ran my first ever 3.1 miles (with some walking intervals). It was difficult and afterwards I cried like a baby. Then I swam for a mile as a reward. Monday – I met with Superman. I hit the proverbial brick wall. I also discovered that I’m about to climb the biggest mountain of my life. I cried like a baby and felt sorry for myself. Tuesday – I swam for a mile, thanked Superman for the session (and opening up my eyes) and picked up two new mantra’s. Feel free to use them. Wednesday – I ran on the treadmill at a new speed of 4.3. I didn’t grab the bar once. I ran strong, I looked strong and I felt strong. I also discovered some new muscles….ouch! Thursday – An hour with Superman and a new found hate love for inclined sit-ups and a green weighted ball. I didn’t really blog about it too much because I was focused on Ed and his 92 minute work out challenge. Friday (Today) – I hit that elliptical hard this morning (keep reading). 92 minutes!! And because I love myself, I swam for 45 minutes afterwards. Now whether the scale will move for me tomorrow or not, doesn’t seem like such a big deal… _____________________________________________________________ Today was my day to match Ed and his 92 minute work out pledge. It was hard as hell and I have a new-found respect for people who get on that thing day in and day out for hours and hours. I’m not as Rico Suave as he was with all his fancy picture-taking (actually his wife did all the work, he just got on the elliptical). I did however manage to take a few pictures as proof of all my perseverance: Just Starting out (Min 1). Minute 30 and all kinds of sweaty already. Minute 60 and I am pooped. Seriously pooped. 92 minutes later… I recruited some of my friends to join me. Sheetal, Jessica, Amy, Kelso, Jan, Dawn and Deb from Calorie King all did 92 minutes of sweating. Josie, Jord, Vinny, Amber, Seth and even Ed (who started this whole thing) pledged to move for 92 minutes… Let’s calculate this: 15 x 92 = 1380 minutes = 23 hours worth of sweat! Almost an entire day!!! Fantastic!! Time to close this post and let the numbers speak tomorrow. Regardless of what happens I kicked ass this week and to treat myself, I’m getting a massage and a hair cut tomorrow! Oh and let me leave you with one more picture comparison, in case you’re wondering if what you’re doing is worth it: This was me at the end of December 2009 This is me today April 16th 2010 And this my friends is why I move, sweat, cry, scream, laugh, and ask myself WWOPD!
Today is the day I’m fulfilling my promise to match Ed over at Monday315 and his 92 minute workout pledge that he did on Wednesday. At approximately 630 this morning I will jump on the elliptical and for 92 minutes think about how he inspired me to move in the right direction. A few of you have also joined in on this lovely pledge: Josie (who will be doing hers Saturday) Ed (who is re-pledging his own pledge!!) I also have 8 people over at CalorieKing who are joining me on this challenge! Anyone else in? 92 minutes of breaking a sweat! 92 minutes of moving in the right direction! 92 minutes of taking your life back! Please leave a comment here about how it went (and if you can figure out the calories that would be awesome)! I will post a follow-up later tonight! Sometimes I wake up and wonder if I’ll find something to write about. Something that will either give me an “Ah-ha” moment or at least help me to reflect on this LCJ. I wonder if the day will just go by and nothing will strike me as important enough to ponder… And then I stumble upon it. You can see people at my office making better choices. Drinking water, instead of pop. Reaching for fruit, instead of the chocolate drawer. Taking stairs instead of the elevator. Making plans for walking a half marathon (which I will be participating in with them) and starting their own ventures with c25k. People are bringing in more conscious type foods and today someone brought sweetened banana chips. I love banana chips but I don’t love them right now. I’m pretty used to just sticking to what I have in my cubicle drawer and what I pack for my daily snacks to get me through the day. I don’t languish over the fact that I’m not eating chocolate or that I can’t ever have sugary treats ever again. I can. In fact if I wanted to today I could. I don’t want them. I was asked if I could eat the banana chips? To which I said yes I could, but I probably won’t. The reply to that was “Oh you’re being that good”. I know it wasn’t meant as anything but a simple reply but in hindsight it got me really thinking… What exactly does that mean “Oh you’re being that good?” Am I supposed to be doing bad things or are there levels of “goodness” to my new eating less / moving more habits? If I sustain from eating anything sweet or slightly “bad” do I go up a level? Am I trying to obtain a level 80 on this game? Where the hell is my Gnome Mage? Over the past 4 months I’ve taken some serious soul searching paths to find out who I am and what I’m capable of doing. While on these paths, I find myself not wanting to eat anything that might cause me to feel upset, ashamed, defeated or frustrated. I want to eat cleaner, healthier and more consciously. Of course I can eat whatever I want and what I want right now doesn’t include anything but the foods that make me feel good about the choices and decisions that I’m making. Everything I do right now has a consequence. Either positive or negative. Every time I put food in my mouth, I’ am taking control of the consequences. Every time I go to the gym, I am taking control of the consequences. Every time I run, I am taking control of the consequences. Yes, it’s challenging. Yes, it’s difficult. Yes I cry a lot on this LCJ. I feel frustrations and disappointments. But for me there is no other alternative. I can either live a life of being fat and unresponsive to the world around me or I can start moving and live the life that was put before me. So today I won’t eat banana chips. Not because I’m being “That good”. But because I am taking control. Are you taking control of your life? If the answer is no What can I do to help?
I have a friend Ed who blogs over at Monday315 and yesterday he did a workout challenge of 92 minutes on the elliptical. I was so proud of him, that I told him I would match it on Friday (tomorrow). Now I’m asking all my friends to join me. You don’t have to get on the elliptical. I just want you to move for 92 minutes. Run, Walk, Swim, Bike, run around with your kids, I don’t care but I want you to love yourself enough to move. Tomorrow at 6:30a I’m stepping on the elliptical and not getting off until 8:02a because my friend Ed, loves himself enough to move in the right direction. Do you love yourself enough to do the same? Come out and play with me! Today’s anatomy lesson is sponsored by the Letter “O” for Ouch!
I think I may have pushed myself too hard during the swimming session yesterday. Add to that the Monday session with Superman and what we have here folks is the inability to get my messenger bag over my head, turn my steering wheel without wincing just a bit and finding it difficult to get my 1 liter water bottle up to my lips. I am uncomfortable. But I kicked ass yesterday during my swim (70 laps) and this morning during my run. I went back to the treadmill again to work on speed and consistency. I kept the pace at 4.3 (except during walking which was 3.5mph). I was sore in the beginning but after the first interval that all subsided and I just got down to running. It was awesome. I ran strong. I looked strong. I felt strong. In the end I ran for a total of 40 minutes (with 3 one minute walking intervals) for 2.7 miles. I was exhausted but not feeling like I was going to throw up like before. I could have kept going but I really want to follow the podrunner schedule. I know I can do a 3.1 as proven last Sunday. I’m in no hurry to run like banshee so I’ll just get back to kickin ass in the old slow and steady fashion. But enough of that, back to my complaining: I am sore. Tomorrow is my date with Superman so I’m hoping that I am seeing the worst of this today. I may have to give him some puppy dog eyes to go easy on me. Or I might just go up to him and say “What Would Optimus Prime Do Superman? You know what he’d do? He’d get back up from a serious beat down and throw the last punch, that’s what he would do…GAME ON!“ _________________________________________________________________ I know I said Tony’s 60 minute challenge was going to be my first physical challenge but it seems I may have spoken too soon. My friend Ed over at Monday315 is doing his own challenge. You know the kind where you leave a comment and it’s one minute, become a fan and it’s another minute… Well I was so tickled pink that he took this step, that I promised to match his minutes. He’s just now starting his workout (as I write this). Since I have Superman tomorrow, I won’t be able to match him until Friday, which if I am correct it’s something like 90ish minutes on the elliptical. It could be more but I won’t know the official number until later. Anyone else want in on this? A little impromptu challenge? You and me in celebration of Ed?
This is the weekend for running it seems! My friend Jess over at “Half of Jess” is running her first 5k today!!! My friend Josie over at “35 and Shrinking” is running a 10k!!! As for me, I’ll be running today… Not in a 5k or a 10k. Just running. Outside, enjoying the enviroment. I will get to 3.1 miles today. That I promise. Then I will swim for 45 minutes and enjoy the fact that for the first time in my life I’ve run farther that I could ever have imagined and instead of celebrating with food, I will celebrate with a swim and a soak in the hot tub. Amazing things happen when you decide to live… |