OWiS #15

Before I get to the numbers, I’ve got a special shout out to my Sister in Sweat Meegan over at RedStar5. Today is her first 5k and I just want her to kick ass and enjoy the hell out of herself!!!!


Okay, now down to business. A hard week of commitment, brings about a change. A change in the right direction…


I am officially in the 220’s!! Despite it being TOM, my body didn’t let me down. I pushed my body hard this week and today it woke me up, thanked me for my hard work and gave me numbers to be proud of. Thank you body! That’s a total of -35.7 and a -2.2 loss for the week. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I could 35 pounds lighter in just over 3 months with nothing but eating less and moving more.

The numbers:

  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • Week 15 = 227.8 (-2.2)
  • Pre weigh in…

    Tomorrow is going to be OWiS #15.

    I’ve put in a lot of hard work this week. I made a commitment to get up at 5am every morning and get to the gym or run before the beginning of my work day and I have been successful every day this week.

    Monday – Ran outside (2.1 miles)

    Tuesday – Met with Superman

    Wednesday – Swam (1 mile)

    Thursday – Had my 2nd date with the Treadmill (2.81 miles)

    Today – 60 minutes on the Elliptical (preparing for April 20th)

    That being said, you’d think I’d be hella excited (yes I said hella, I’m ghetto like that) for tomorrow’s weigh in…

    I would be if it wasn’t for TOM!

    That’s right! A great week only to be sideswiped by that damn thing.

    So no matter what it says tomorrow, I’ve had a fantastic week.

    I’ve also decided that Sunday I will run my 3.1 miles. It doesn’t matter if it’s inside or outside, it will get done and it will get done on Sunday.

    My weekend agenda

    Saturday – Sleep in a little (7ish),OSiW #15, Gym for elliptical / swim, much needed day with hubby which I hope includes even much more needed yard work.

    Sunday – Sleep in a little (7ish), run 3.1 miles, lunch with my beautiful niece, laundry and general upkeep of the home. Pack up my bag and get ready for date #2 with Superman.

    See you all in the morning!

    Treadmill take 2 / my first challenge / then and now…

    The weather has been relentless in these parts. Downpours, 50 mph winds, and 40 degree temperatures do not make for good running conditions for a newbie like me.

    This morning was no exception. I don’t want to put off running just because of the weather so today I took a deep breath and made a second date with the treadmill. As you recall from this post I don’t much like the treadmill or as what many of you have referred to as the dreadmill.

    However, I do like to run so my adversity to the dreadmill was overpowered by my desire to run. On my way to the gym at 6am this morning I made some pretty important decisions about how this run was going to go:

    • I was going to keep the running portion above 4.0 mph. The last time I ran some of it around 3.7. Today that would not happen.
    • I would get past the 2.5 mile mark even if it was 2.52 I didn’t care.
    • I would not be grabbing any bars while running.
    • I would only look at my feet / face while running and if I did happen to look at the other parts of my body I would say something nice.

    All in all, while it wasn’t the rainbows and butterflies I was hoping for, it went much better this time. The towel to hide the panel didn’t come off once so I never had to watch the time (except to slow the speed down for walking intervals and then back up to running speed). I managed to “zone off” quite a few times and forget that I was in the gym, in front of the mirror and in front of other people. I never once thought negatively about my body and in fact marveled in the fact that I looked like a real runner (as if I know what that means). I looked strong. I felt strong. I ran strong.

    Not only did I run at 4.0 mph consistently, I upped it at each interval (8 minute run/1 minute walk). First interval = 4.0, second interval = 4.3, third interval 4.4, fourth interval = 4.6!!!. At this point I start to feel like I’m going to throw up but I hadn’t quite reached the 2.5 mile mark. I made some decisions before the run and I aimed to follow through.

    I was tired.

    My face was beet red.

    I had pushed myself to the end.

    The podrunner had instructed me to start my 5 minute cooldown.

    I wanted to get passed the 2.5 mark.

    I ran the cooldown.

    I got to 2.81.

    (the time 19.20 what was left out of 59.29)

    Not only did I pass 2.5 but I ran for 40 minutes (with four 1 minute walking intervals. That’s pretty bad ass in my book!!! I took some more pictures for your viewing pleasure:

    Post run hairdo

    Post run ballcap.


    I’ve signed up for my first physical challenge.  I’m currently doing a challenge put on by SeattleRunnerGirl but this 21 day challenge is about implementing a healthy habit whether it be physical or mental. My 21 day challenge is to pack my gym bag and food the night before. So far so good.

    My first physical challenged is put on by Tony over at The Anti-Jared. He’s in cohorts with Jen over at Prior Fat Girl to get 500 people signed up to exercise for 60 minutes on April 20th. If they do, they will each donate $250 to the YMCA Activate America program. I had already signed up to do the challenge and then Tony added that he has 2 polar FT7 heart monitors he’s going to be giving away so now it’s even more appealing 🙂

    I committed to 60 minutes on the elliptical. There’s still time to sign up (hint hint). Yes, the more that sign up the lower my chances of winning one of the heart monitors but I’d rather work out with you for an hour than win that monitor.


    I took a picture back in December of 2009. I tried to recreate that picture today so I could get a side by side shot of what my face looks like three months later.

    I even tried to recreate the emptiness the December picture shows. My December face looks so puffy and uncomfortable. Everything about my December picture just looks wrong. I look at it and it doesn’t even seem like it’s a picture of me.  I see some pretty big changes here. I then took another picture. One that wasn’t such a Debbie Downer…












    That’s more like it!

    Superman vs. Lois Lane / revisiting the stinkin thinkin machine


    First real date with Superman was yesterday. I was going to post something about it but I wanted to wait until today so that I could experience the full effect of the abuse he put me (Lois Lane) through.

    By abuse I of course mean love abuse love abuse…alright love.

    First of all, he calls these things my friends, I call them my enemy (Lex Lugers) and I’m pretty sure they will NEVER make it into the category of being my friend.

    It probably wouldn’t have been so bad if I could just walk around carrying them like a bag of groceries. Superman seems to think it wouldn’t be advantageous to do it my way so we do it his way:  Lunges.  Forward, backward and sidewaysish (yes I just said sidewaysish).

    Okay seriously people, if you want me to consider a long-lasting relationship with you try to at least take me to dinner first and tell me how beautiful I am. Do.Not.Start.With.These!

    Oh looky here, Lex Luger returns in the form of these little beauties.

    My idea: Hey, thanks for the pillow, I’m just gonna lay down right here.

    Superman’s idea: Tie two together (heavy little buggers) and drag them back and forth the entire length of the gym. Oh and for giggles, tell me he doesn’t like to walk so to pick up the pace. To top it off he thought it would be just dandy to repeat the entire process 3 times (lunge lunge lunge, pull pull pull, lunge lunge lunge, pull pull pull – you get the idea).

    This was all in the first 10 minutes.


    You’ve got to be kidding me?

    For 60 minutes he had me doing things that just seems crazy. My first set of Lex Luger friends? Yea, he thought I should carry them up the stairs and when I finished he thought it would be a good idea to do it again, but take the stairs two at a time. He wants to throw the Lex Luger ball back and forth. I think “great” I can do that. He wants me to do it while balancing on some half ball contraption. Not so great.

    He asked, I performed. I wanted to punch him, but I performed. I sweated like I’ve never sweated before, but I performed. I only cried once for a very brief second at the very end of our first session but perform I did. It took forever for the hour to come and go.

    When it was over, I didn’t want it to end.

    I didn’t want it to end.

    It’s one thing to physically push yourself (one more lap, one more minute). It’s something else to be physically pushed by someone else and not give up. He may have been testing me to see how far I could go to get a base line. I set that base line right where he wanted me too.

    He helped me discover a new set of muscles today: The butt muscles!!! They are sore today. Not the kind of sore where you can’t sit down at all. Rather the kind where you were sitting, you get up to do something and when you return to your seat your butt muscles say “HELLO THERE”.

    We have a date next Monday.


    When one wakes up in the morning too sore to run because of previous work out with trainer, you’d think one would smile and reminisce at all the hard work experienced right?

    Not if you’re a regular visitor to the stinkin thinkin machine.

    My thought process is so out of whack that if I were to step out of my head and actually watch my thoughts go by I would probably choke on my own spit over the insanity.

    How one goes from “Hey, great workout with the trainer. Not bad for your first time. Being sore is part of the process” to “You wouldn’t be too sore to run if you were thinner and stronger. Way to be lazy.” in a matter of seconds is almost incomprehensible.

    It happened to me and I almost fell for it.


    Yes I tried to sabotage my workout.

    Old behaviors require new tactics to over come. I didn’t run today because I was too sore. I almost didn’t do anything. Almost let myself feel bad about my workout the day before and my lack of working out this morning. I almost fell for the persuasiveness of the stinkin thinkin machine.

    Then I went swimming.

    I swam longer than I ever had. Most of the time I swim 40 – 50 laps for 30 – 45 minutes. Today I swam 70 laps for 60 minutes. I may have been too sore to run, but I wasn’t too sore to kick that stinkin thinkin machine’s ass.

    Look both ways…

    When I run in my neighborhood I often come across this beauty of advice when crossing the street ——->

    As a child we’re taught not to cross the street until we’ve look both to the right and to the left of us, making sure we are in no danger of getting to the other side.

    The other side was always our goal. Maybe it was to go to the candy store or the playground. Maybe it was to go to a friends house or to return home after a long day of hanging out on a summer day. We’re always told to look before crossing.

    The reason I’m bringing this up is because while on this LCJ I’m learning that I have to look both ways before crossing. The looking isn’t to my left or right any longer.

    It’s to my past and to my future.

    I can’t look to my future until I make sure my past is safe. It wouldn’t do me any good to look to my future, make sure all is clear to cross only to find myself blindsided by something coming from the other direction. This is extremely difficult at times.

    Most times.

    Behaviors that I exhibit today are behaviors learned when I was a kid. Eating 6 full slices of french toast as a child left alone to cook for themselves, creates a massive eating disorder full of secrets as an adult. Stealing money as a child in order to buy cans of pie filling for dinner as a child leads to hording cash as an adult for fear of not having the ability to buy food. Perfection forced upon me as a child leads to constant worry of failure as an adult. Being left to fend for one’s self at a young age, leads to the inability to trust as an adult.

    The past is a very intimidating thing to cross.

    But how can I cross over to my future without looking both ways? I see my “other side”. It looks great over there. So many wonderful opportunities.

    Full of moving and running.

    Good choices and weight loss.

    Love and happiness.

    Acceptance and triumph.

    Each time I’ve tried before to get over to the other side, something from my past hit me like a ton of bricks and I would go back to where I started.  The next time I would be more determined and yet again when I tried to cross, my past prevented me from being successful.

    Except this time.

    This time I’m looking both ways.

    I’m looking to my past in order to achieve my future. I’m afraid to fail so rarely make an attempt to succeed.  I’m afraid of not having enough money so I work too much. I’m fearful that people will leave and not take care of me so I trust very few people. I’m afraid of losing weight because then I won’t have the one thing that has protected me my entire life, my fat.

    Something funny starts to happen looking both ways.

    You can actually cross over safely and successfully.

    I write this post today because so many people are struggling with their journey to a better lifestyle. No matter what they try, they just can’t seem to get the scale to move in the right direction. They want to know why I’m  having such success?  I make it look easy they say. Give me some of what you got they ask. What I got, you don’t want. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy (well maybe my worst). What I have done in the past three months while it seems quite the accomplishment has been accompanied with hours of tears, days of doubt and fear, weeks of frustrations and months of determination to cross over the past in order to get to what I clearly see as my future.

    Are you being blindsided because you’re not looking both ways?

    Recovered and moving on / First non c25k run / Easter

    I waited.


    I cried in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, waking up and feeling stuck. But I didn’t get mad at myself. I just said “Well this must be what I needed to feel” so I cried myself to sleep and woke up the morning: Recovered and ready to move on. Saturday’s tend to be pretty important days for me with them being OWiS (official weigh in saturday) days and I just couldn’t let myself lay in bed feeling upset.

    Got good numbers yesterday (-2.8). Flew through the 230’s. Faster than I anticipated. Moving more is becoming very important to me and the numbers moving down is giving me all the more determination to keep going. Frustration sank in yesterday morning after OWiS because the rain was still coming down in a downpour. My body wanted to run. It’s the strangest feeling…that wanting to run feeling, that get out on the streets and move feeling. I don’t want my running to be on a treadmill, I want it outside. I had resolved to going to the gym for elliptical work and maybe some swimming. Just as I finished my post yesterday the sun started to peek through and as fast as I could pack a bag, out the door I went to get that much needed run in.

    No c25k program this run.

    I found another podcast that takes you from 5k-8k in much the same fashion. I’m excited to be back in a run/walk interval type program. This one starts out 8 min run/1 min walk. I’m finding this program very doable. I accidently skipped the first interval so ran the first 16 minutes with no problem. In the end I ran 2.5 miles. Already a .25 mile improvement since Wednesday. I think this run was 35 minutes so again another 5 minute improvement. This particular pod cast is another 9 week program so I am sure to reach the 5k mark soon. I’m predicting within the next 2 weeks.

    Today is Easter.

    We’ve made non-chocolate based easter baskets for Mitch’s mom and sister. This is a first. I’ve also designated any chocolate received to work and neighborhood kids. I’m  heading into the gym early this morning to get at least 45 minutes on the elliptical. This will reinforce why I’m doing what I’m doing: Making better choices to become the person I was meant to be.

    What are your Easter plans (if any)

    Weigh in #14

    I really want to run today (I did run after this post). This damn rain is upsetting me. I’m up early on my day off to get out there and move. Instead I’m having to wait for the gym to open up (one hour to go) so that I can at least get a good swim in and some time on the elliptical.

    Today is Saturday and if you’ve been around for a while then you know today is Official Weigh in Saturday or what I like to call: OWiS! Let’s get to the numbers.

    That’s a -2.8 loss this week. A total of 33.5

    I’m a extremely happy about this, though I’m still trying to recover from yesterday’s mind session. Today is going to be a great day because I’m going to go out and get moving and then just enjoy the rest of the day…my mind might have other plans for today but this is a “fake it till you make it” situation here.

    Here are the numbers:

  • Week 0 = 263.5 (-0.0)
  • Week 1 = 257.4 (-6.1)
  • Week 2 = 255.0 (-2.4)
  • Week 3 = 254.6 (-.4)
  • Week 4 = 253.8 (-.8) *I started c25k
  • Week 5 = 248.2 (-5.6)
  • Week 6 = 247.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 7 = 246.2 (-1.0)
  • Week 8 = 244.4 (-1.8)
  • Week 9 = 241.0 (-3.4)
  • Week 10 = 240.6  (-.4)
  • Week 11 = 238.0 (-2.6)
  • Week 12 = 234.8 (-3.2)
  • Week 13 = 232.8 (-2.0)
  • Week 14 = 230.0 (-2.8) *graduated c25k
  • I wonder why…

    …Some days are harder to get through than others.

    …I still see a 263 pound person in the mirror.

    …I was so mad at myself for sleeping in until 7 this morning,  after working 15 hours yesterday.

    …I don’t ease up on myself.

    … I don’t pat myself on the back more.

    …I set myself up for failure before I even try.

    …Being better than everyone is more important to me than just being me.

    …I don’t see myself the way my husband sees me.

    …After the 30 pounds lost, c25k graduation and 3 months of hard work, I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything.

    …I would never allow a friend or family member to downplay what they’ve done and yet I allow myself to go down this road so often.

    So hard on myself. I know this is not the way I will feel tomorrow or maybe even later today once I get home and settle into my long awaited, much needed weekend. The snowball effect of my frustration at allowing myself to sleep in until 7am this morning has turned into a blizzard.

    Someone get me some snow shoes cause I can’t stay here for long….

    The official graduation / Superman / and blah blah blah.

    It’s official.

    I can now buy this beautiful shirt. I’ve worked nine long weeks to be able to say I can wear this shirt and know it to be true. I woke up early this morning with that “runner’s anticipation” in my stomach. That nervousness in the pit of your stomach that starts to wonder how far, how long and how in the world?

    For a fleeting moment I prayed for another downpour. It was only fleeting. I wanted to do this run. I wanted to get outside before sun rise, pop in my earphones and let Robert Ullrey lull me into what would be my final run of the c25k program.

    It was a little surreal, this run. Normally during my last run of the week, my mind wanders to what in store for me. For nine weeks I was focused on what coolrunnings thought I could do and would do. I constantly thought about whether or not I should repeat a week or just go and trust they knew what they were talking about.

    I went with the trust factor.

    They were right. Maybe not so much on the length portion. Today’s 30 minute run put me at about 2.25 miles, .85 miles short of 3.1. But they were right about the duration goal. If you had come to me nine weeks ago and said “Tara, you’re going to do this running program and in nine weeks you’re going to get up and run 2.25 miles without stopping“, I would have gaffawed at you. If I was drinking milk at the same time I would have accidentally spit it in your face at your unbelievable statement.

    Not so unbelievable anymore.

    This run, there was no thinking about what am I doing next week with coolrunnings. It was a little nerve wracking. Now what? You mean I have to do this on my own? Whose going to tell me when to run. Whose going to tell me when to stop?

    Then I realized it was going to be me. I have the freedom now to figure out what exactly this running thing means to me. No more worrying about whether or not I’m going to be able to do a certain duration. No more freaking out about what’s coming up the next week, or the week after that.

    Now I can just run.



    Yesterday was my first meeting with Kent the trainer. It was mostly just talking, getting to know one another. Actually it was more him crunching numbers to get my BMI, RHR and any other TLA he could find.

    Oh you don’t know what TLA means?

    Three Letter Acronym

    A little digression – There are companies out that have committees that sit around thinking of TLA, thinking it makes life easier than saying the words each time. Seriously!

    Wonder what my Superman looks like?

    Here’s his philosophy (thank goodness for copy and paste): “I have the training and experience to lead anyone to their fitness goals, whether you are training to improve your quality of life or to increase performance in a specific sport. Everyone should have a fitness assessment prior to an exercise program. The assessment will determine the optimal starting point for your program and is a great tool to measure the gains you have made during you program. When you are able to quantify the improvements you have made this will motivate you to continue to set and reach loftier goals. Your training should continually progress eventually landing you in the free weight area. Nothing burns calories like resistance training both during the work out and during the recovery days that follow. Additionally, it’s my goal to educate you on fitness, I will explain what and why we are doing certain exercises, the effects and why it is beneficial for the body. Your body will thank you each and every day by feeling better with a tremendous amount of energy.

    And his experience:

    • 7 Years Personal Trainer
    • Cancer Survivor exercise development
    • 20 years military training
    • Wrote and monitored physical fitness programs for military units specifically to enhance combat effectiveness

    Now go back and read that last bullet…


    I’m hoping he’ll teach me some cool MacGyver move where I paralyze someone with a shoelace and a small towel.

    He explained to me about not needing to do Cardio everyday. My running was probably going to be sufficient (less elliptical – even though I love it. I think I love it because of the t.v. that is attached to the machine – cause seriously who doesn’t love watching Law & Order while ellipticalling) (did I just make that word up – ellipticalling?) (am I using too many parenthesis?)

    He explained to me about weight training to burn more calories. “Damaging” the muscles so that you burn more calories while healing. Ooooooooh. I have no idea what any of this means, but it makes sense.

    He was impressed with my 3 month progress and pleased to hear my commitment. I was honest with him about my goals (70 pounds left to lose, working toward 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon, triathlon, ironman, taking over the world). He understood my absolute ineptitude for what I’m about to embark on and while he wanted to get right down to business I told him I was a slow and steady kind of gal.

    He showed me two weight bearing machines. Not the kind with counter weights but the kind you actually put free weights onto. Nothing major, just sit and have a look see. Push here, pull here…

    Even without the weights it was harder than I thought.

    I may be able to run for 30 minutes, swim 50 laps and go 45 minutes on the elliptical but I couldn’t go 2 minutes on those weight machines. This is going to be cool as all get out!

    Our hour came and went. I made my first “real” appointment for next Tuesday at 6:30am. As we parted way, he patted me on the back and said “prepare to be sore”.

    If only he knew how long I’ve been waiting to here that…


    A few things to point out here before I close for the night and catch up on all the wonderful bloggers and CKers that keep me determined to fight this fight.

    • I’m about to begin another category: 229-220. I don’t know when I’m going to hit the 220’s but this morning when I got on the scale it said 229. Since I don’t do official weigh in until Saturday I am only taking this number at face value. But it sure is a pretty number.
    • I’m going to start recording my total mileage run starting today. I’m also going to count swim laps cause swimming is pretty hardcore. RAWR.
    • I’ve got some new guns starting to show themselves. Not guns, like colt 45 or 30 aught 6 (how’s that for gun speak? I blame Blake Shelton’s “Hillbilly Bone”), I’m talking about biceps…Woot Woot Baby!

    That’s all there is for today folks. I’ll be taking a pass on breaking a sweat tomorrow. I’ve worked a seriously long day today and there is too much construction on the interstate to get me home at a decent hour (I started work this morning at 8. Will finish at 11p. Word on the street my normal 30 minute commute is taking about 90 minutes with road closures). Saturday is my first official “non c25k” run day. Sunday I’m ellipticalling/swimming laps and sending out positive vibes to my movemates!

    Did I just make up another word: Movemates???

    Will you be my movemate?

    Last run for c25k…

    It’s super early in the morning 5:49am.

    The weather seems to have given me a break.

    Today is my last run.

    I’m nervous.

    9 weeks ago = 60 secs, one block.

    Out of breath.


    Not sure what to do next.

    Today = 2+ miles, 30 minutes non-stop.

    5k on the list

    1/2 marathon walk on the list.




    I’ve dedicated many runs to you.

    Today I dedicate this run to me.