I’ve been perusing blogs pretty much all day while at work. I’ve noticed a “theme” if you would. It seems many people have lost their motivation to continue their journey towards healthy living (whatever definition that holds for each individual).
As this is really my first attempt at changing a lifestyle and not just relying on whatever weight loss fad is out there (including but not limited too Atkins, Weight loss pills, purging, pre-bariatric surgery restrictions) I’m wondering if this is pretty common when you start out on this long journey?
Is it the 8 week blues?
It is the New Year’s resolution dissolution?
Granted I’ve had a few minor emotional setbacks. Emotional setbacks due to being angry with myself for getting to this weight, frustrated because I couldn’t run 60 seconds without stopping, or just plain old “holy hell, I’m cranky today”. I’m still moving everyday and in that see the emotional setbacks getting fewer and farther in between.
Today I don’t lack in motivation.
But what about tomorrow? Or 3 weeks from now? I turn to those who have had substantial weight loss (50+ pounds) and wonder what they did to keep motivated? What did they do when they weren’t feeling motivated? Did they persevere? Did they hang their heads and wonder if this was going to be another unsuccessful try? Did they look in the mirror and point a finger at the person staring back and firmly say “You will lose this weight. You will get healthy. You will not give up”
Did they cry one night in a bowl of ice-cream and then get up the next morning and climb 100 stairs? Was is one conscious decision after another until habits formed?
I am surrounded by people just starting out on this journey. Maybe to them it isn’t a journey? Maybe it’s just a passing thought. For me this is a journey. I do not want to be 100 pounds overweight any longer. Period. I do not want to wear a size 24 pants. I do not want to be winded after climbing a set of stairs. I do not want to be ashamed of who I have become physically at the age of 40. I see other newly commitment people dropping like flies (and by dropping I mean, not posting on their blogs or over at calorieking) and I fear I will be one of them eventually.
Tell me what motivates you and how did you get over those motivational hurdles? Tell me what to look out for so that I can be prepared if I see that hurdle up ahead. Share your wisdom with me. I want to cross that threshold of being high numbered weight loss success story.
Help me write a chapter!