Better or Worse

One of the great things about having Godfather as a trainer is just when you feel like giving in, he says something that just clicks. On Wednesday I walked into the gym thinking I was going to have a somewhat mellow hour. I was super exhausted and pretty sore after a Tuesday filled with […]

The Great Kilted Run / Mush

I’m not even sure where to begin talking about my experience yesterday. It was fantastic. It was emotional. It was hard. It was awesome. It was challenging. It was fun. It was inspiring. And it was damn near the toughest thing I’ve had to do in a long time (except for today’s session with […]

T-minus 6 days!!!

Short post today. Then off to catch up on blogs. Six days left until race day!


Six days left. I’m trying not to think about it. Impossible. I’m thinking about it all the time right now. Is this normal? I feel like I should be making […]

Weigh in #10, geocaching, and perpetual soreness

This weeks weigh in is a little late. Busy weekend. Keep reading!

Weigh in #10

I wouldn’t even really consider this week a weight loss as it’s so small but it’s not a gain so I’m chalking this one up to a success! My calorie intake was fine. I think it’s the microwave popcorn I […]