I ran today.
4 miles.
Everything was wonky.
(video warning: Eff Bomb galore) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpAuaXhK4NA
I didn’t really care.
I ran today. 4 miles. Everything was wonky. (video warning: Eff Bomb galore) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpAuaXhK4NA I didn’t really care. http://thrushadows.blogspot.com It’s no secret that I am a recovering Bulimic. Today I am not ashamed to tell people that bulimia is a part of my life. When I hid it from the world I was ashamed. Ashamed that my relationship with food came down to two things: Binge and Purge. […] Of that there is absolutely no doubt. It’s what we do in those times of changes that shape us as people, and as weight loss success stories (and sometimes not so much success stories). It’s no secret that over the course of the last 12 months my life has taken some […] www.esslythe.com I started to feel unimportant. It might have started when I was born. So few pictures document what my life was like during those first few years. I remember a father left. A mother drank. A brother touched… It might have started young. Maybe it was […] It’s hard to get settled in after being away for almost a week. I’m not sure if that’s the way it is for most people. It doesn’t really matter if I’m away for 24 hours or for 24 days. I spend a few days upon my return making sure everything is as it was […] I am officially starting my vacation in 24 hours. I’m going to Cincinnati to see my best friend Michelle. We lost touch for many years (mostly my fault – hello stupid). She came home in December and took this picture of me: She has no idea who is stepping off that plane Friday […] |