Pre OWiS #25 week in review!

It’s that time again.

Time where I review my week in anticipation of tomorrow OWiS. This will be #25 since starting this journey. This week has seen some great accomplishments and yet tonight I feel out of sorts. I was supposed to meet with Superman today but he had to cancel at the […]

Food as part of the solution, not the problem / Pre-OWiS week in Review

Dang it!

Its Friday already.

Seriously, did someone come here and steal my week cause I’m not sure what happen to it. Seems I woke Monday and then BAM its Friday. I tried to look for a pause button on this crazy ass week but I guess I accidentally put it in […]

Week in Review / Pre walk jitters

Wow, this week seems to have flown by. I feel like I was just here getting ready to sit down on my pity potty because of my first gain in 19 weeks and here I am a week later with a renewed sense of fight. It was a great week and I am sort […]

Fubariffic / A Special Shout Out to BBP / Pre OWiS Week in Review


I feel like this is the only way to describe how my week has been. It has seriously sucked. I’m trying to keep it together but in light of my brother’s situation it’s not happening. My brother has left the hospital and as of today is refusing to seek any sort of in-patient […]

Friday Wrap Up / And ohhhh a yoga mat

It’s that time of the week again folks. The time where I review the last seven days in preparation for OWiS #18. I do this to help me remember this journey isn’t about numbers but about becoming a healthier me. It’s also about taking control of my life and moving closer to what I […]

Pre OWiS week in review / 92 minute tally

I’m going to try and make it a habit to post a week in review the night before my OWiS. I think it’s important to remember this journey is no longer about numbers (though them moving in the right direction is always an added bonus).

It’s about taking control of my life and becoming the […]