It’s been a great week. Not just physically but emotionally. I signed up for my first 5k, I’m coming to an end in c25k (2 weeks left), I had a eye opening therapy session, I found some new muscles, two of my friends are moving more, my husband is losing weight. I’ve been conscious about the food going into my mouth and the exercise coming off of my body…
12 weeks ago I started posting my weigh ins. It was a hard decision to make them public but I just can’t hide this weight and what it’s doing to me physically and mentally any longer. I make these numbers public here, at CalorieKing and on Facebook. So far it’s done exactly what I hoped it would do…
Create a loss.
-3.2 this week.
Here are the numbers:
With the exception of week 10 (-.4 and making the realization of exactly what sodium retention looks like) I’m seeing some great numbers this month. If I had to pin point the reasons I would say the c25k program is probably the biggest factor. I’m in the part of the program where it’s just about running and pushing your body past that limit of “I just can’t possibly do this”. I’m no longer thinking about the minutes but rather what can I do to improve on those minutes.
I’m still obese (my bmi is 36 and I still have 75 pounds to lose) but what I do know is that I don’t weigh 263 today. With hard work, determination, eating less and moving more I won’t weigh 234 next week either!
Way to go! What a great week for you Tara! Congrats on the new milestones! I hope both of our weeks to come are just as successful. Kick ass!
Thanks Meegan…I’m really excited to see what we both get done too!
YOU ARE A SUPERSTAR!!!! And boy, can I relate to the sodium/water retention issue. Stupid pms.
awesome..great by day.
Keep up the great work.
Slow and Steady is my motto!
I’m so proud of you! Good job! Keep it up. I think I’m going to have a bad weigh-in tomorrow. Not because of eating, but I don’t know what from. Water retention, TOM, muscle gain? Meh.
But I’m so happy for you! Look at you go girl! Keep it up!
Thanks Jess….I’m gonna pop over to your blog and see how that weigh in went!
You are consistently doing so well. The numbers are awesome, and you just seem like you’re in a groove. Yay!
I’m not sure I would call it a grove…more like “holy crap, I’m 40. Not going to be too many more opportunities to do this”
Congratulations! I’m catching up on my blog reading so I just read your post about your brother/therapy, etc. I’m sorry you’re going through that but I know you’ll come out on the other end of all of this work (physical AND emotional) a stronger person. Keep it up!
Thanks Val! Doing better already
CONFESSION: I read your blog religiously from my iPhone in the a.m. And because of that, I don’t get to comment as much as I’d like (seriously, have you tried typing paragraphs of adoration on that thing?). You are kicking so much ass, it’s not even funny. And it’s totally inspirational. I needed to tell you that.
Hopefully I will get around to letting you know more often.
Confession: You made me cry.