Whoa there 28! and a new gym member in town.

Is it a coincidence that as I’m coming up on the -30 pound mark, I’m also coming up to the 30 minute running mark on c25k?

No improvement on speed during this last run. In fact, I’m pretty sure I was going slower but I blame that on the elements (wind, rain) and on the fact that I was too occupied with the idea of having to use the restroom and too far away from anything even if I did stop. 28 minutes came and went and then I hit the first half of the North 30th street hill. This is no easy hill for sure..I think it’s about 6 blocks long with a serious incline. A SERIOUS INCLINE!!! Before I do my 5k in June I will run up this beast of burden. First I’ll start by walking the first halfΒ  πŸ™‚

5 more sessions…

I am coming to the end of c25k in mere days. I almost want to run everyday for the next 5 days just to get to the end. However, I wouldn’t be slow and steady anymore…I’d be speedy and haphazard! I am concentrating on really pushing that last minute. Running until I’m just about out of breath, since I know it’s the last minute. A few times I’ve surprised myself at how fast I felt like I was running, even after 25/28 minutes.

I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish before June 12th.


I did something yesterday that I’ve never done before.

I walked into a gym.

I told myself that when I got the first 30 pounds off (by myself) I was going to get a gym membership and begin the second part of my weight loss journey. Part of me thought I would never even get to that number so there was no point in being stressed about taking my weight loss even more public.

Until yesterday. The scale hit 233 early in the morning. Will it continue to be that number until Saturday’s weigh in?


But I made a promise that at 30 pounds I would pick a gym.

So that’s what I did.

I’ve had one in mind for a while.

Allstar Fitness.

No lie, I picked it because they advertise a great playroom for kids while moms work out. Seemed logical. Moms with kids + Tacoma = probably overweight like me. I go in and ask for a tour.

I am introduced to the Manager (and Muay Thai/Boxing trainer) who looks over my initial information. We sit down and he got right to the point: “Why did you come through those doors today Tara?

Well isn’t it obvious?

Then I realize it’s not obvious. What I want to attain isn’t obvious because I don’t look like I still need to lose 70 pounds. I never looked like I needed to lose 100 pounds. So what do I do? Do I fib and say “oh I’m looking to tone up”? Do I say “Oh I’m just looking to lose a few pounds”?…

I think to myself: Please don’t cry. Don’t be ashamed. You’ve already lost the first 30 pounds. You’re here not because you’re fat and lazy. You’re here because you want to lose even more weight. This isn’t about defeat, it’s about success.

I look him in the eyes.

“Well, I’m here because at the end of December, I weighed 264 pounds” (here I think I paused to see the look of shock on his face that someone that fat could actually even think about joining a gym…but I got nothing so I continued) “When I got on the scale this morning it said 233 pounds. I made a promise that after I lost the first 30 pounds by myself, I’d join a gym and lose the other 70”

He didn’t flinch at the numbers. He didn’t laugh at me or tell me to leave. He just said “I like it when people come in with a specific goal…let’s take the tour”

I liked what I saw. Main lobby has a 3 story rock climbing station. Main room (with all the cardio goodies and free weights) was open and lots of room to move around. There is a space separate from the main room (on the second floor) for women only. That was a big selling point for me. But the best part was the pool…

7 lanes dedicated to laps. All laps, all the time!

I am the newest member of Allstar Fitness. I got up bright and early (still trying to adjust my sleep schedule) and put that main room of cardio goodness to use.




27 comments to Whoa there 28! and a new gym member in town.

  • So jealous of the pool but I found a 24 Hour kind of near me that has a pool. I’m not comfortable enough to get in a bathing suit yet (gimme another 20 pounds) but soon, I’ll be joining you doing laps!

    That’s great that it has a women’s only section. That way you can get comfortable lifting and not have to worry about distractions.

    Keep up the running! You’re getting there! Slowly but surely πŸ™‚

  • Ed

    I’m sure that you can keep that number until Saturday! Great job! I’m glad you joined a gym. You wont be dissapointed. Are you going to get a trainer?

    I’m a little jealous that your gym has a boxing trainer! I would love to do that. When I go to the gym its weights and the elliptical. again, great job and keep it up!

    • I get two free sessions with a trainer that I will take advantage of over the next couple of days. Once I get into the swing of things I’ll probably work with a trainer to really pinpoint my goals.

  • You rock! And seriously, I could have told you – there are tons of fat people in gyms. While I think I may be one of the biggest guys in my gym, there are plenty of other big people, too, and I have never felt even slightly disrespected for my size or anything. People see me working out, and I’ve even had people ask me for advice on various weight machines.

    Granted, that is not what I EVER expected to happen when I joined, because much like you, I thought I’d be the only fat one there. Not even close. πŸ™‚

  • jord

    Nice work with the run. It’s amazing how much extra effort it takes to run in the wind. I find it discouraging sometimes, but then I think about how much stronger it makes me (Welcome to Delusionville, population: me) and I can push through it.

    CONGRATS on joining the gym! I think the fact that you were up front with the manager speaks to how strongly you want to be there. You worked hard for the first 30 and now you can keep working hard!

  • Fantastic news on the gym! I know you’ll love it. Having a trainer has changed everything for me. Enjoy your gymming it!

  • Good Luck with your weight loss journey also. Please tell your friends about my site, here is the URL http://molly-fluffygirl.blogspot.com/

    BTW I love your site, its very colorful πŸ™‚


  • Your gym sounds WAY swank! I’m a little jealous! Mine is small but super convenient (I go to the staff gym at my office). Come summer time I definitely intend to take advantage of the pool at my apartment complex and I would also like to find a YMCA with more exercise options. That’s my 50-pound goal. Awesome job!

  • seattlerunnergirl

    I LOVE All Star Fitness! I was a member in West Seattle for a long time and I miss it like crazy. It’s worth paying twice what I pay now at Gold’s but alas, I don’t live close enough…

    CONGRATS on getting through 28 minutes – you’re doing awesome!

    P.S. I used to live at the top of N. 30th St. Once my ex and I were driving up the hill and a tire came off his car. No, really – it just FELL OFF. Crazy, huh? I have lots of fun memories of living in Old Town. πŸ™‚

  • Wow, lanes? and a pool? and a rock climbing station???? LOL I love my gym, but that’s awesome! I’m so glad you took that step…and congrats on reaching that goal!


  • We are so similar in our stats!!!! I’m close to 30 lbs down too. πŸ™‚

    Congrats to you for taking the first step and hitting the gym. I know it’s a little scary at first – it was for me at least – but one thing I’ve learned is that the gym is the overweight person’s haven. I’m sure the person that gave you the tour has seen it all and respects you for coming in to change your life and get fit on a different level. I can’t wait to read about your successes in the gym!

  • Sounds like a really cool place. Maybe I shouldn’t have given up on gyms so quickly. (Went to a gym once, started swimming laps. Some guys were standing in the pool, just standing there talking, only for some reason they decided to move right into my lane and chat there… grrrr….)

    Please let us know if you continue to a)like the gym and b) use it!

  • How exciting, and what a great reward for losing 30 pounds. This gym sounds really nice, what with the rock climbing wall and the huge pool. I know you’re going to enjoy it.

    Oh and 28 minutes?! You are most certainly a rockstar. I would even say you are a superhero for that. Nicely done. You make it look so easy. πŸ™‚

  • Yes – what a totally cool gym!

    I suspect that many US gyms are light years ahead of UK equivalents. I’ve never seen anything like you’re describing.

    7 lanes dedicated to laps – sheesh I’m green with envy! Most gyms Ive ever been to have pools 20m long with at most 3 lanes. It would be fantastic for distance swimming training. *Sob*

    Go go!

  • […] thought you do: You signed up for your first 5k! Then you went and did something even more crazy: You joined a gym. Yhea we didn’t see that […]

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