I felt bad for starting this post. I feel like there should be some sort of moratorium on blogging what now feels so insignificant as I forcibly block all social media regarding the recent events in Connecticut. Is it appropriate for me to blog about something I’m really excited about when there is an apparent heavy heartedness to everything related to social media?
Will I be thought of as insensitive?
See the problem is I’m overly sensitive. I don’t own a television. Not because I’m trying to limit my sitting on the couch time channel surfing when I could be out running but because I’m not allowed (self restricted) to watch the news. I don’t read the newspapers. Not because I don’t care about current events or whose running for the next election but because I can’t read about all the violence taking place around the world and in my own backyard. I cringe every time a plane flies overhead (especially when walking around an area with tall buildings). If I see an image of something that is particularly upsetting it is burned into my brain and I lay awake afraid to go to sleep.
I experience anxiety for leaving food on my plate.
You can’t even begin to imagine the anxiety I feel when I’m plugged into what’s happening in the world.
The thing is I feel like I have to explain my reasons for going ahead with this post. Like it’s going to make me feel better about myself if I tell you how I need to be sheltered from things. People think it’s “cute” that I have an affinity for unicorns and sweet merry christmas santa reindeer elves with light up noses or that I sleep with a soft transformer blanket under the comforter. The thing about having all those “cute” things a part of my life is they keep me from freaking out multiple times a day because the world scares me.
So today I write not about the events of the world.
I write about the events of me.
A while back I was contacted (as were many other fitness bloggers) by Sport Chek to participate in their “Your Better Starts Here” campaign. They sent out a list of questions asking about our fitness journeys. While the questions themselves were of a general nature, the answers they received were specific to each person they asked to participate.
Here are my responses to the questions sent.
- Is there anything you are working towards? A goal?
I am always working towards something physical. Whether it is trying to lift heavier weights or run farther, I am always trying to push the boundaries of what I think I can’t do. At the current moment I am training for my 2nd marathon (the 1st was this past May) which is set to take place mid September. I will also be running either 2 more marathons this year or going for ultra Marathon status in mid October. I am still undecided but you can bet I’ll keep pushing for something. In 2013 I will begin training for my first Half Ironman as well as continue to run any race I can get my hands on. My goal? My ultimate goal is to maintain the 110+ pound weight loss when the odds are against me….oh and complete a full Iron Man!
- What are some challenges that you face in your day to day fitness?
- What are you most proud of?
- Is there anything missing from your current workout routine that you can identify?
- What would help you to inspire others?
- What sort of support do you look for/look to give?
- A pair of Nike running shoes
- Nike running shorts
- Nike long sleeve hooded shirt
- $50 gift card
Also inside was a small bracelet with “3 minutes at a time” inscribe on it. Not going to lie, I totally cried when I saw it just because I felt like Sport Chek really listened to what I said and didn’t just browse over my answers. As other bloggers began to write about their own inspiration kits I looked for that one special gift that told us we mattered to them. I was also encouraged to take anything that didn’t fit my needs to their closest location and find that perfect match which meant I could take the Nike running shoes and exchange them for my one true love; a pair of Sauconys.
Okay Tara, but what’s the point of this blog for pete’s sake?
Two weeks ago Sports Check invited Mimi and I back to the nearest location for a one-on-one appointment to learn about ski and snowboarding equipment. Knowing full well neither of us have any experience in the “what the hell are these long boards strapped to my feet” department, it didn’t matter to them. They wanted us to participate and because I believe that they see me as an individual on a journey to be better, I went.

Don’t believe me?
But Tara is there a point to this post?
You see this is where it gets really cool. Besides the most awesome gift cards they sent for us to treat ourselves in making our fitness goals obtainable, they also sent each of us a gift card to give away to help someone else make their fitness journey’s obtainable…
Let me say that again.
The only catch (and for the first time I actually had to do this) is that it’s limited to my Canadian Friends and my American Friends that live close to the border because Sport Chek is a Canadian franchise. I’m not sure how many people will actually enter because the majority of my readers are from the lower 48 but man am I excited that someone is going to get a little extra love in their Christmas stocking.
You can enter as many times as you’d like (in fact I’d tweet the hell out of this everyday for the next 10 days if you can) because as the old saying goes;
I would definitely love some cold-weather running gear! I normally “wimp out” when it comes to winter running in the cold, but I’m determined that this year I’m going to do my best to keep up with it. I think some gear would definitely help…
Like Momma Sunshine, I’m looking for winter running gear because I am a wus. I am training for my first full marathon (Bluenose Marathon) in May and am scared witless at not being able to do it (I fall off the fitness wagon so many times I have bruises to show for my tumbles). I can not imagine running 20 miles on a treadmill, so I will have to run outside – fingers crossed I keep myself securely strapped to the fitness wagon this time.
Long time lurker, big time fan, Tara 🙂
Cold weather running gear and some snazzy toe socks, to keep my awesome self nice and toasty!
I would love to think that any clothing at all will fit me from Sportchek right now, but I’m realistic enough to know it wouldn’t. I would, however, love to get my hands on a pair of trail shoes. I live ‘just down the road’ from the best walking/hiking trails in town, and I’d love to take them on!
Would LOVE to put this toward bicycles for me and The Captain.. have been eyeing up some at our local Sport Chek and it is close enough to walk there and ride them home, too. Love it!
I will be looking for more warm weather gear that will keep out of doors more durin the cold season! Whether it is running/hiking/skiing whatever
Love the post and was happy to read all the way to the end Tara!
I don’t need any more fitness equipment myself, but if I were to win I’d love to use the money to buy a pair of boxing gloves for a female client who would greatly benefit from adding sparring to our workouts. A great stress release while you work out!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
Not eligible for giveaway but wanted to share I.Get.You
I can’t watch news, etc. for the exact same reasons.
I’d love to put it towards some decent fitness attire. My “teaching” wardrobe looks like crazy people recovering-tap-dance-a-holic stuff (I may or may not have worn sequin booty shorts to teach a class on Friday night) and my personal workout kit consists heavily of gross dirty stained tees that I otherwise would never dream to wear out in public (but for some reason wear to the gym). I need a few fitness wardrobe staples like leggings, sports bras, and tops 🙂
New Shoes!!! I definitely could use new shoes!! Thanks for the chance to win!! And I totally understand your post!!
I am not eligible for the giveaway, but I wanted to specifically say to you that you are the kind of person who is going to change the world. Those of us who are sensitive…who don’t buy into the brainwashing and fear, are the ones who are showing others that they don’t have to be traumatized and controlled by big media.
I do not watch TV either, and that is why, even though I grew up in Newtown, I have specifically chosen not to engage televised media but to carefully choose my sources of information. We need to continue to be role models in this regard!
My 2013 is already starting to look better. I have signed up for the rock and roll half marathon in Seattle. I recently challenged myself to run 5k each day for the next 14 days and I posted it on FB so that I am accountable. I can only run on my treadmill at the moment because I live in northern alberta and it is way too cold recently to run outside.
Like you, Tara, I strive to push the boundaries of I can’t. There aren’t enough medals in the world to compare with the satisfaction of showing yourself that you can do something.
2013 holds many goals for me. My biggest one – challenging Epic + 1st marathon. I want to know what it feels like to bike 90km, then run a half marathon. I am committed to the training plan, but have a small shortfall in the equipment realm. I own a hipster approved single speed. Not exactly race cycling material.
Like fitness challenges, equipment challenges require planning, dedication and a bit of sacrifice. I know it’s worth it because I can’t help but dream about the satisfaction of crossing the line at Epic and knowing that I did it.
Many thanks for your inspirational words. Please keep them coming.
I will be getting some new running shoes and going back to the gym!
SportChek has basically everything our family needs – ski stuff, hockey stuff, running stuff, cute clothes, etc. The question isn’t what would I buy, it’s what wouldn’t I buy 🙂
Oh Darn! I would totally drive the 10 minutes across the boarder to use this gift card. I need some good gear for the colder weather up here in “almost” Canada.
But I am so happy you know you are loved and not just another blogger entering a survey. Because you are wonderful.
My better starts with new running sneaks.. I recently joined a boot camp in my area and bought a yoga mat/weights… I am in dire need of some new sneakers and workout clothes…. bring it on 2013! SportChek you rock!
Thank you for your post. and I mean that. The first part of your post rings so true for me. I am so fragile when it comes to news. I just can’t handle it. I worry when I go on about my life that others will think me not concerned for others. The truth is just the opposite. I have to protect my own mental health so that I am able to be there for others. So thank. you. for being brave enough to share your feelings…know that there are others out there like you…
I’m currently training to be a yoga teacher and am totally focused on bettering m practice right now. Throw in a few halfs, and that will be my 2013 🙂
2013 will start out with deciding on my first half of the year…which will only be #2 for me. #1 hooked me! Thinking of getting back to pilates as well to mix in with the running – keep the core strong!
And I’m hoping Santa brings a Garmin… 🙂
You’re SO inspirational and motivating. Love your blog.
Awesome giveaway and I’m super impressed that they have reached out and been so interactive with the local blogging community.
Who wouldn’t want a chance at winning a prize like that?!?
You have the best giveaways! Must be because you’re such an awesome blogger!!
Running shoes and cold weather running gear for sure! I’m getting a double jogging stroller for Chrismas, so I might actually be able to get out running again if I can get the right gear!
Very inspiring! As a new runner, sure could use some cold weather gear, but skis….oooooh! Tough call. I need both
Oh gosh I hope I am the ELLE from entry #20! Wahoooo! Will email you right away to confirm, Tara.