My own domain, 8 minutes! and motivation update…

My own domain:

It’s official. I decided to go ahead and purchase the domain name “263andcounting”. At only $14 you can’t beat it and it looks all official and stuff. I thought about coming up with some catchy kind of name like others I’ve seen around but I’d rather just keep it honest. I started […]


I seriously need someone running next to me that can scream this in my ear. Or I need this cool shirt:

If anyone has one laying around (I can now wear an xl comfortably), I’ll gladly take it off your hands.


Today’s run is definitely ranked up there with the hardest so far. […]

Weigh in #8, where I didn’t eat yesterday and 5 minutes of pure (insert word here)!

Weigh in #8

December 29th, 2009 = 263.5lbs

February 20th, 2010 = 244.4lbs

I lost 1.8lbs in the last week and a total of 19.1lbs.

Here is an interesting tidbit (and probably TMI), but this is the first time I didn’t gain any weight during my “girl time”. I am actually continuing to lose (as […]

c25k Week three complete, weigh in anticipations and the person in the mirror irritates me.

c25k Week Three

Is complete but not without it’s frustrations. I’ve been pretty strict about my running days (Sun, Tues, Thurs) since starting this program a month ago (holy hell a month already!!!!). This week was the first week I had a schedule snafu (totally my fault) and it really threw me for a loop. […]

new muscles, hey you look different and the lady at the park.

New Muscles:

Here are some muscles I’ve recently discovered on my body:

The first being the Rectus Femoris. I noticed it yesterday while I was walking my dogs. I put my hands on upper portion of my thigh and BAM there is was working away. The second muscle is the Latissimus Dorsi. This happy […]

3 minute run and hello 244!

3 minute run

Today was week 3 day 1 of c25k. I’m not going to lie. I was pretty freaked out when I woke up this morning. I had picked my place to run: Ruston Way. I picked an early time of 7am. The city in which I live (Tacoma WA) rarely wakes up before […]

A picture is worth 17 pounds…

You can’t make anything more real than by taking a picture. The pants on the bottom are the one’s I was wearing when I went into Kohl’s yesterday. The middle pair is one of the pairs I bought (Size 20). They fit nicely. The one’s on the top are the size […]