First week done…17 to go.

This is (was) me.

Obviously I’m in New York.

September of 2009. I’m at my heaviest (I think) so topping the scales at 270 pounds but since I didn’t weigh myself I can’t be sure that it’s not more than that. I stopped visiting the doctor’s because I didn’t like to get on the scale. I didn’t like that I had morbidly obese written in my file. If I didn’t pay attention to what the exterior world was telling me then I could ignore what the interior world was telling me.

In a few short months from when this picture was taken I would decide that what the interior world was telling me was no longer okay. That being obese was no longer okay. That being lazy was no longer okay. That watching the world pass me by when I could stand up and do something about it was no longer okay. It was time to do something and do it like my life depended on it…because it did.

The reason I decided to put this picture up is because I started marathon training this week. In 17 (short) weeks I’m going to step up to a starting line that back when this picture was taken would never had crossed my mind. It’s hard to look at pictures of my former self and not feel a pang of guilt that I waited so long. Being 40 and deciding that being 110 pounds overweight is no longer acceptable does quite a number on your mental stability (or instability). After a lifetime of berating myself into believing I can’t, I had to do something I didn’t know how to do: learn to say I can.

If you had asked me back in September of 2009 on that ferry looking at the Statue of Liberty if I could run, I would have made some knee jerk comment like “oh sure if I was being chased”.

Being chased…

Running away from something.

Out of fear.

Because my life depended on it.

Week one of training is done and my muscles are sore. I’m not used to running multiple days in a row. I’ve never had a training schedule. I’ve never had a certain amount of miles I had to get in on a specific day. This week is about easing into the idea that what I’m doing is real. That I have made the commitment to follow through. That on May 20th at the end of the day I will gently place my first marathon medal with all the others I have collected over the last two years. I don’t run because I am being chased. I don’t run because I am trying to run away from something. I don’t run out of fear.

I am chasing.

Running towards.

No fear.

Because my life depends on it.


It’s time…

Have you ever wanted something so bad, you sometimes cried just thinking about it?

Been walking outside and realize your heart is beating faster because you started thinking about something so big it was almost too much? Spent months and months wondering “what if” and then found yourself actually preparing for that “what if”?

Yhea that’s me.

You’d think I would be screaming from every mountain top that this is the year that I step up to the starting line of the one thing I’ve been working so hard to accomplish. You’d think everyone and their grandmother would be telling me to shut the hell up because it’s all I can talk about…

In fact, I’ve been very (very) quiet about the one thing on my to-do list that I think defines who I am: a runner…an athlete…someone who once weighed 270 pounds and couldn’t run a half a block to save her life. And yet, this is so difficult for me to talk about, to write about, to even think about it. I’ve watched people start the same way I did and go forth to earn the 26.2 like it was just another day in their lives. Another notch on their belt. Feeling accomplished and moving on to other goals. Yet, for me it’s been one mother fucking scary ride.

Christmas morning I opened a flat box from Meegan.

Inside was one thin sheet of paper.

It was a paid registration to the BlueNose Marathon here in Halifax. There can be no more excuses. There can be no more thoughts of “I wonder”” and “I just don’t think I can”. What I couldn’t bring myself to do over the last year, my beautiful partner in crime forced me to realize that it’s time. It’s time I put down my fears. It’s time I believe in myself. It’s time I do what I’ve wanted to do since the very first time I stepped up to the starting line. It’s hard to believe this body of mine couldn’t run more than a half a block two years ago and starting tomorrow I begin training for my first marathon. In February of 2010 I was ecstatic that I ran for the first time for THREE MINUTES straight, and almost two years to the day here I am finally preparing for what I can no longer put off…

I don’t know why I’ve put this off for so long. I don’t know why I’ve watched so many of you earn the 26.2 (and cheered so many of you on) as I continued to stand on the proverbial side lines. I’ve put in enough miles to know that this is physically something I can do. But this isn’t about physical ability.

This is all mental.


Starting tomorrow, I begin the long fight of battling those emotional “I can’t(s)”. I don’t care if I don’t do anything else this year, I will earn my first marathon medal. There is so much more riding on this than just another shiny piece of awesomeness to hang on my wall. This is more than wearing a number and adding it to my race bin at the end of the day. This race is so emotionally tied to everything I was yesterday, everything I am today and more importantly everything I will be tomorrow.

There’s going to be a lot of tears. There’s going to be a lot of internal battles. There’s going to be a lot of moments where everything will be okay and then it might not be. This isn’t just about running. This is about proving to myself that I did it. That in that one moment in December of 2009 I decided I deserved more, that my life was worth saving and I did just that: saved it.

My body needs this.

My heart needs this.

I need this.

It’s time.


Light the fire.

Strike the match and set the flame.

To change.

To life.

To living.

I’ve been thinking a lot (okay maybe obsessing) over the idea that my blog as become more “motivational” rather than the struggles of finding life at the end of the tunnel that I’ve been writing about for so long.

I let the obsession fester (quietly). Am I not being honest enough in my posts anymore? Is there not enough drama happening in my life? Why is my reader count dropping? Why the fuck is that even important to me? Why does this blog mean so much to me? More than once I thought about letting this blog go over the past couple of weeks. I thought about quietly slipping into the background and just not putting my thoughts down. Let someone else write about the struggles of weight loss. Let someone else write about the successes of weight loss. Let someone else write a race recap. Let someone else…

I’ve started a new “thing” in my life. One that requires me to look back over the last two years (and the first 40 years of my life). Where I was then (in 2010) and where I am today are opposite ends of the spectrum. I cried a lot in the beginning. I stumbled. I took a lot of baby steps that were painful both emotionally and physically. I wrote about everything. What I ate. The exercises that I did. Weekly weigh ins. Line graphs that squiggled up and down as I (we) watched the scale decrease in number while life increased in happiness for me. Words shifted and I started to write as if I was talking to myself like I would talk to a friend. I motivated with words instead of just using the blog as a dumping place for numbers, workouts and pounds lost. 

I am here to motivate.

That is what I am meant to do.

To show anyone…anyone that choosing to live is a right we all have. I can’t explain it. I can’t explain why I have the need to tell people (and show people) that we don’t have to settle for obesity, settle for depression, settle for living a life without knowing our full potential. I can’t explain why I sometimes become so overwhelmed at the sadness we have settled for and accept as normal. I can’t explain this need. This need to reach out. To prove to anyone listening, reading, watching that what you thought was impossible…

Is possible.

The struggles of weight loss are fewer and farther in between for me. I’m not out to lose weight anymore. Most days I live, eat, breath and maintain a successful weight loss story. My relationship with the scale is no longer haunting me (though I would guess that’s because there isn’t readily access to a scale). My struggles with depression are fewer and farther in between. I still have days that I feel like I can’t get out of bed and function like I should but those days pass just like days that feel really good to me.

The tone of the blog has changed because I have changed. I lost over a hundred pounds. I over came depression. I found love. I shifted my way of thinking about myself and my life. I want someone else to do the same now. I stopped reading other people’s blogs, stopped engaging so much on twitter, stopped pumping my fist in the air and screaming the proverbial “YOU CAN DO IT” because I started believing I was too motivational and not struggling enough.

Now I realize it doesn’t feel right to me. It doesn’t feel right to not jump up and down, wave my hands and with a resounding voice of affirmation say “I did it, so can you”. Isn’t that what it means to live life? To do what can’t be done and then encourage others to follow suit? Isn’t it sort of my responsibility to turn around every once in a while and hold the hand of someone who is still struggling? Still depressed? Still confused about their own path?

I motivate because I’m never very far from going back to that lifestyle of self hate, self-abuse and self-deprecation. I motivate because when I feel the dark cloud creeping in on my turf, I need someone to turn around and motivate me. I motivate because it’s what keeps me moving forward and we all know how I feel about moving forward.

If the tone of the blog is something that doesn’t resound with a reader any longer then so be it. It’s okay. It’s my blog. It’s my life. I put myself out there to be loved, criticized, supported, ignored…whatever the person who takes the time to read these posts feel in that moment. But if someone feels that this blog is too motivational then I have to wonder what road the reader is on? All I want in life is too feel like I’ve helped someone move a little more forward towards what they deserve…

It’s what I deserve.



Put down the emo (aka a giveaway!!!!)

Moving at the spur of the moment (thanks to a Dodge Durango and a Pretty woman crossing the street) back in November meant having three hours to decide what I could fit into a large back pack, a suitcase and a random paper bag with strong handles that I could carry across 4000 miles (via 4 planes and 23 hours of travel time).

  • Running clothes (check)
  • Running shoes (check)
  • Every single race bib since 2009 (check)
  • Every medal earned (check)
  • Favorite Jeans (check)
  • Shirts (check)
  • Underwear (check)
  • Shampoo and Conditioner (check)

That last one seemed kind of weird for me since there were so many things I had to leave behind. You see a few weeks prior to Red’s accident I was contacted Sergio from Made From Earth. I did a review of a few products back in June. He asked if I would review some hair products and in the midst of packing, trying to use up all my old hair stuff and then the quick get-a-way in Novemeber I never got around to using what he sent.

So into my small collection of “must take to Halifax because I don’t know when I’m going to see the rest of my stuff” went a bottle of shampoo and a bottle of conditioner from SHIELO:

Their Philosophy: “is to create products with integrity and ensure that we preserve the future well-being of our environment. Shielo is against animal cruelty and proud to use post-consumer recycled and recyclable packaging. Our products contain the highest quality ingredients from nature, combined with advances in haircare research to ensure desired performance and ultimate results. As an organization, we have committed to developing naturally-based formulas infused with organic botanicals harvested from plants grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or chemicals.

Confession: Since losing all of my weight I’ve become a little vain about the one thing and one thing only: My hair. It’s the truth. I get my hair cut once a month and up until November it was with the same person for the last two years. I spend more time on my hair than I do picking out my clothes. I can’t explain why with all the changes to my body I am vain about the one thing that never really changed.  I think it might have do with my 87% boy 13% girl equation but that’s another post…


This is what Sergio sent.

I always give an honest opinion when doing a review. When I like something, I like it. When I don’t, well I don’t. I’m not afraid of losing the opportunity to do reviews because of an honest opinion. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean the people taking the time to read a blog post and enter a giveaway will feel the same way that I do.

I like these products.

A lot.

Here’s what I like about them:

  • Smells good (not overbearing, not perfume-y, very light)
  • I don’t need a whole lot so the bottles have lasted a long time (this is good considering I’m not working right now)
  • Hair feels fantastic (soft)
  • Hair looks good (super vain double plus bonus here).
  • It’s an online company so I can order more instead of hunting it down in stores.
  • The bottle is super cool looking (yes that’s important to me)
  • Did I mention my hair looks good!

It took me a few months to get around to doing this review and when I contacted Sergio about doing a giveaway much later than anticipated, he sent back an email that gave me not only one thumb up but when I informed him that I had moved to Canada and was hoping to include my new Canadian neighbors on the give-a-way he put the other thumb up and said “let’s do it”!

So here we go with the details!

SHIELO is giving away one free Leave in Protectant Antioxidant to one of you!

(And by you I mean both US and Canada)

You know how this works. Just leave me a comment below. If you want you can like them over at Facebook and Twitter and tell me about it. Each comment you leave is an entry. Each entry will be thrown into a random number generator at the end of day January 18th (that’s a lot of opportunity to leave a comment here people) and one of you will have a little happiness sent via the mail.

Thanks again, Sergio and Shielo for giving my vain little head of hair some love.

Much Appreciated!


I’ve seen a lot of posts lately about the “Word of the Year”. Picking a word for 2012 to signify what kind of year it will be. I was intrigued enough that it got my own brain working on a word…

I’ve spent quite some time thinking about a word but I couldn’t get past the idea of not knowing what kind of year it was going to be. At the onset of 2011 if I would have taken a few moments to focus on a word I think it would have had something to do with running. Or maybe a word about knocking down walls. Or maybe a word on believing in myself. Now that I’m at the end of 2011 and looking back the word I would give it is CHANGE. 2011 was so full of unforeseen changse that just thinking about has my head spinning.

It’s no wonder with all the changes that have taken place over the very short twelve months that everything just sort of came crashing down during December and my transition to moving to Halifax. I’ve been very quiet as of late because everything got so emotionally jumbled up, I didn’t know how to begin talking about it.

Then I had a break down last Sunday.

It wasn’t pretty.

But then they never are.

Outside in the cold, walking. Stopping at a bridge and watching the river flow by. Tears streaming down my face. And finally admitting that I wasn’t happy. That the homesickness had taken a toll on my emotional state. That missing the littlest things of comfort was causing me so much angst that I couldn’t sleep at night. That I felt like every smile was forced and the answer to “is everything okay” when asked was a lie. I felt bad for missing my hometown. I felt bad for missing little things like going to Tacoma Boys for veggies or to Fred Meyer to see if they had any Fage yogurt on sale. I felt bad for missing my parking spot on the college campus. I felt bad for missing Pho on 38th. I felt bad for missing everything about my hometown and that feeling bad snowballed into something else.

It snowballed into confusion.

Had I made the right changes?

Am I where I am supposed to be?

Funny thing about not holding emotions in and taking a huge leap when sharing is that what was once a feeling of a huge burden deflates almost immediately when you let it go. As soon as I admitted I was homesick and that it was causing me to be confused inside the confusion stopped. As soon as I admitted I was homesick and that it was causing me to question my decisions, the questioning stopped. As soon as I admitted I was homesick and that it had pulled me into a bout of depression I didn’t know how to handle, the depression subsided.

Letting go of the emotions that were bringing me down

made room for the emotions that lift me up.

So often we think that what we are feeling is not important. That what we are feeling is wrong when they comes with words like “sad” “confused” “angry” attached. We hold them in and let them build up steam like a tea kettle on a hot stove. Ignoring what’s really going on in hopes that it will pass. Refusing to acknowledge emotions inside for fear of hurting those outside. I still miss my hometown. I still miss the routine of standing in my kitchen and taking my vitamins in a particular order. I still miss getting up in the morning and seeing Meegan staring at me from 4000 miles away on the computer screen. I still miss going to my P.O. box on my way to work and wondering if there will be any mail. But I don’t question where I am or the changes that have happened over the last year…

I am right where I am supposed to be.

I am doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

Instead of questioning.

I am accepting.

That’s my word for 2012: ACCEPT. Life has a path and while I think I know where that path leads I really don’t. I know that the changes and decisions in my life will always be made with careful thoughts and as I implement those changes and decisions I’m not out to hurt anyone. I accept that there will be challenges in life. Be they physically related or emotionally related there will be challenges and I accept that some days it will be easy to get through. I accept that some days I won’t know how to step up to a challenge and face it head on. I accept that some days I will wake up and feel like I am on top of the world and some days I will feel like the heel of the shoe that stepped in a huge pile of dog shit. I accept that some changes will come with a resounding “hell yes” and some will come with a tear streaked face of confusion. I accept that this life changing journey is hard because I am doing something that most people won’t do:

Take control.

I have no idea where 2012 is taking me. Christ I don’t even know where the month of January or even this week is taking me. I’ve started something big that I’m too afraid to talk about openly. I’m trying to figure out how to make money in a country I can’t legally work in. I’m preparing to earn my first 26.2 with hopes of other races to follow (as soon as I figure out how to pay for the registrations). I’m trying to stay in the moment every second of every day and not go back to what once was or what should be. Everyday I wake up and have to remind myself that I am not where I was…

But that I am where I am supposed to be.



I accept.

Constant Self…

I wear one of those inspirational word bracelets.

You know the one’s.

The kind that’s supposed to remind you of something powerful every time you look down. The kind that over time become so stretch out it’s hard to keep it on your wrist. The kind with words like “Dream” “Hope” or “Livestrong”. The kind that after a few weeks or months you sort of forget that it’s there and it no longer has the intent it did when you first put it on.

Constant Improvement / Self Discipline

Those are the words etched on mine. I got it when I was first starting out at JTS (Jower’s Training System) back in Tacoma and next to my RoadID that I’ve worn everyday for the last year this bracelet has a lot of meaning for me.

I’ve been on this journey a long time. Two years ago almost to the day I decided that the 270 pound body that I was carrying around was tired of being carried around. Two years ago I decided that the shit I was putting into my mouth was just that: Shit. Two years ago I decided that even if I could only walk up one flight of stairs it was better than nothing and for the first time in my life I was better than nothing. I was something. I’ve learned a lot over the last seven hundred and thirty days. I learned that I can do what I thought was impossible. I learned that weight loss is secondary to  the depression that I carried deep inside of my being. I’ve learned that it’s okay to cry during a work out as long as you keep on working out. I’ve learned that  just because I threw up the first time I ran a half block doesn’t mean I’m going to always throw up if I just keep running. I’ve learned that this journey is never going to end for me. Two years later and one of those years in full maintenance and my emotional (in)stability is still as delicate as it was the first day I decided to change my life. The difference between today and two years ago is that I refuse to let food placate my emotional state and I refuse to ignore my feelings as if they don’t matter.

So many of us are going to begin the vicious cycle of New Year’s resolutions. On December 29th of 2009 I didn’t make a resolution when I decided that I would climb the stairs instead of take the elevator, I made a commitment. I didn’t make a resolution when I decided that I would be conscious of the food I put in my body no matter how much my brain screamed to be comforted by fast food, I made a commitment. I didn’t make a resolution when I decided that I would get up at 4am to run in the dark because I was afraid people would laugh at my fat, I made a commitment. I didn’t make a resolution each time I found myself in the middle of an emotional binge and finally put a stop to the purging that followed, I made a commitment.

A commitment to always be on a path of self improvement.

A path of constant discipline.

A path of self improvement means realizing that some days the clouds are going to be dark and the rains will fall heavily on my soul. A path of constant discipline means being patient as those rains wash away the wounds of old and bring another opportunity to love who I am today, who I was yesterday and who I will be tomorrow. A path of self improvement means taking a deep breath and giving myself room to stumble. A path of constant discipline means getting up when I feel like I can’t, or worse yet that I don’t deserve to get up. A path of self improvement means quieting the voices that still remind me I can’t and never will. A path of constant discipline means giving those voices the friendly “fuck off” as I move forward each day to a better me.

Today more than ever I am clinging to the idea that I am always on a path of self improvement. It’s not about how much weight I can lift or how many miles I can run like it used to be. Those were my bench marks for this journey. The number on the scale defined my success (or failure). Now it’s about how after two years I still struggle to love the body, the heart and the mind that is me. The path of self improvement not in the physical sense but in the emotional sense. The path of constant discipline isn’t about going to the gym everyday or running another race, but about laying my head on my pillow at the end of the day, closing my eyes and knowing that when I wake up the next day I am committing to a life long journey…

Of change.



The new man in my life…


I have this trainer.

If you know me (and you do know me right?), you know that the people I train with are very important to me. Superman was my first trainer when I walked into Allstar gym. Long hours on the Wii, rewiring my way of thinking about food, counting calories and a lot of time spent in the mirror learning how to love the body I was in so that I could let it go and go after the body I longed for, the membership was a gift to myself for having lost the first thirty pounds on my own. With the membership came two free training sessions and after those two I was hooked. Superman and I spent a few months together. It was the first time I experienced what it was like to be pushed to the point of exhaustion and have someone pat me on the back and say “way to go”.

When it was time to move  on from Superman, I was fortunate enough to find Godfather. He took my physical abilities to a whole new level. A higher level. A stronger level. A level of pushing down walls and screaming “What’s next?!?”. When I said I couldn’t he looked me square in the eyes and said “I’m about to prove you wrong” and each and every time he was right. For seven months he told me to lift heavy shit (and I did), he told me to move faster (and I did), he told me to keep going (and I did) and he told me that I could do whatever I put my mind to (and I did). With him not only did I knock down those brick walls that kept me from moving forward I did it like it was no one’s fucking business.

For a long time I didn’t have a trainer after Godfather. It was difficult to find my motivation and to keep pushing myself. While I didn’t pay someone to stand over me and say “One more sit up” I did find solace in the classes I was taking at the gym, Coach Robbie at boot camp and Anthony at boxing became my trainers for a short time. I owe them as much respect as anyone I called trainer. Because of them my burpees and my pushups are fucking fabulous. They are a part of who I am as an athlete and for that I thank them.

Now I have a new trainer.

Chris has been Meegan’s trainer for much of her weight loss journey. Though we didn’t meet in person until October of this year, I’ve known of Chris for almost the entire time I’ve known Meegan. Her relationship with Chris is much the same as my relationship with Godfather: Respectfully Intense. When I came to visit Halifax for the first time this last October I felt a sense of gratitude I’ve never felt towards someone I’d never met. I wanted nothing more than to hug him and say thank you for helping to save the life of the person I fell in love with. Without him, Meegan wouldn’t be who she was and without her my life wouldn’t be as it was.

For months like clockwork I would wake up when she was getting ready for the gym. From my side of Skype I would watch her leave only to return an hour later, sweaty, strong and ready to kick ass. He pushed her like Godfather pushed me and I respected the hell out of what they had built together over the last two years. I didn’t know how I was going to fit in to this already established trainer/client friendship. When I got here six weeks ago, I sort of fell into stride. Her time with Chris has become our time with Chris. Instead of watching her leave from my side of Skype, we leave together from this side of Halifax. Instead of feeling like I am intruding on what they had together, I feel like I am part of something spectacular…I didn’t know Chris when I was 230 pounds and crying because I didn’t want to do another set of jumping jacks. I didn’t know Chris when I was 190 pounds and didn’t want to do another box jump…But I know  him now. I came to him as an athlete and someone that likes to push the limits. I came to him as someone that isn’t afraid to lift heavy shit as a female (at least the 13% of me I consider female). I came to him looking for someone I could respect and work hard for so that at the end of the day I could earn the  pat on the back and the “good job kid” that I’ve missed for some time.

I’ve found it in him.

I think everyone deserves to know this man.

While you can’t come with me to sweat it out everyday (unless you’re in Halifax to which I say get your ass in here), you can check out his website. He’s got an amazing blog that doesn’t preach talk about what you should or shouldn’t be putting in your mouth, or how you should spend all your money on a trainer or an expensive gym membership. He just writes about life and what we can do to survive the madness of it all…

Thanks Chris.

Merry Christmas ya freakin wanker!



A deep breath…

That last post was hard to write.

It’s the first time I’ve written something and comments were made that I felt slightly jilted. Like I wanted to point fingers back and say “You don’t know what it’s like to be in my shoes” or “You just don’t understand”. It’s the first time I almost contemplated not approving certain comments because they caused the hair on the back of my neck to stand up and I wanted  to react.

What I wanted was a virtual hug and a pat on the back with the obligatory ‘it’s going to be okay Tara”. I got some of that. I also got some harsh, grab me by the shoulders and hear the truth stuff too.


I already know all of that.

I know I am not in charge of anyone’s happiness but my own. I know that the guilt and sadness I am feeling is also in my own control. I don’t know the experiences of those that come here and read what I write so everything is said with the hopes of doing more good than harm. I know that when I write it’s because I want other people to know they are not alone in the struggles of living. Not alone in wanting more for themselves. I want people to be motivated to make the changes because one day, two years ago I read someone else’s blog and they motivated me to get up and fucking move.

Life is as life is. Some days I’m going to come here and lay some bullshit down about me believing in you until you can believe in yourself. I’m going to don the ugliest mental picture of a cheer leading outfit I can find because I’m so pumped up about the life I’ve found I want to get on my knees and beg anyone that listens to do the same. To get out there and live because it is spectacular. Some days I’m going to come here and literally vomit all over this blog because the sight of my own face disgusts me and unless I want to hide in a refrigerator for three days bingeing this is the one place I might find some answers in the form of my own words.

Life is as Life is.

Regardless of how life is going I’m still living. I’m still standing firm against my old self. The self that is still whispering in my ear that everything I’ve done is wrong. I’m still fighting for my own life despite looking like I’m pointing outward and saying “now it’s your turn”. I know the way I am handling the situation with Mitch isn’t the best, but it’s what I know right now. I know that the berating on his part feels deserved on my part. He won’t stop anytime soon so I know I need to step up and make the changes. Can I make them today? No. Can I make them next week? I don’t fucking know because I need time to figure out how to live right here today. I know I need to focus on what’s right in front of me, not what’s behind me…

I was going to say “but” in that last sentence then realized I was just about to make an excuse. I know what I know. I don’t need anyone to grab me by the shoulders and shake me to my senses. I’ve been doing this long enough. I’ve made enough life changes to know how I’m feeling is a process. A process of learning, of loving and of hopefully letting go. A process of deciding what works and what just weighs me down and keeps me from moving forward. I don’t care if it takes one day, one hundred days or one thousand days. As long as I am not giving up I am living to the best of my ability.

Now where’s my ugly cheer leading outfit?

I have a life to lead.

Get the fuck out of my way.

Needing my own medicine…

Here is something I know to be true;

I am very good at giving advice.

This is because I’ve done a lot of work (emotionally, mentally and physically) over the past two years trying to change my life for the better. Something else I know to be true? Some days I need to really listen to what I’m saying because the one person that needs to hear it the most is me.

When I sit down to write a blog post I’m mostly thinking about what people want to hear. What’s going to motivate them to keep moving forward, to keep pushing themselves to reach farther than they think they can and go after the life they deserve?  I get easily frustrated with how my posts are going because while I want people to pump their fists in the air and proclaim from this very moment that “This is my life and I deserve to live”, I’m also trying to keep my own emotions in check. I’m am in desperate need of my own medicine. I feel like I am standing firmly in the life I want to lead when all of a sudden the ground opens up under my feet and my emotions come rushing up at me and I don’t know how to contain them.

If someone says to me “Tara, I don’t know how to feel my emotions” I usually respond with “Just feel. Sit with them. It’s only when we stop bottling them up or sugar coating them with food, that the emotions truly leave us and we are free to live.” And yet, here I am this week with some deep emotions and instead of taking my own advice of just sitting with them,  I’m looking for ways to bottle them up, dip them in chocolate, top them with whip cream, nuts and a cherry and pretend that everything is okay.

The truth is:

Everything is not okay.

I am feeling a severe amount of guilt over the choices and decisions that I made back in April to leave my husband Mitch when I found myself falling for Meegan after meeting in person for the first time. Don’t take this post as a “I never should have” with Meegan. I should have and don’t regret anything we’ve done together over the last eight months. I knew my relationship with Mitch was heading in another direction before meeting Meegan, I just didn’t have the courage to say / do something before hand. I should have and that’s part of where the guilt is coming.

I still have some contact with him because we share the financial responsibility for the dogs that we have. I can’t bring them to Nova Scotia with me and he has the house so it just made sense to leave them there in his care. This means that we need to communicate about what the dogs need and I need to find ways to make sure they are taken care of to the best of my ability from way over here.

This also means it opens the door to emotional upheavals every few weeks as we hash and re-hash hurt feelings of betrayal, lies thought told and accusations of ruining one life while trying to find happiness in another. It’s been a roller coaster ride of emotions and with the holiday season here in full regalia I am struck to my core with feelings of guilt and not liking what I see when I look in the mirror. I am in the middle of a full blown attack of my emotions and I am unsure how to get control of them.

It’s hard to tell someone “You deserve to feel your emotions and you deserve to have the life you want” when I am in the mind frame that I am undeserving of anything because I caused someone else so much pain. What should be a joyous time preparing for Christmas is quickly becoming like a knife in my side because it reminds me that for the first time in ten years he probably won’t do anything to celebrate. No tree. No lights. No frantically searching for that perfect gift.

I am constantly thinking about what his life is like and how lonely he must feel. What should be a quick text about making sure the dogs have enough food turns into hours of finger pointing and “how could you(s)”. I can’t get rid of the feeling that I did something awful and he won’t recover emotionally. I took the leap of finding happiness and now feel like I landed in a big pile of “Way to go Tara, you fucked things up again”.

It’s hard to be in my own skin. To shut down the voices. To keep the tears from coming. I try to tell myself to feel the guilt, to feel the sadness for him. That without feeling those things I can’t truly get back to feeling good about myself. It’s affecting the way I eat (not eating enough because I don’t deserve to feed my body), it’s affecting the way I am around Meegan (I don’t deserve to be loved) and it’s affecting my moving forward (I’m unmotivated because of feelings of I don’t deserve to physically take care of my body).

I try to talk to myself like I’m talking to a friend;

“You deserve to be happy”

“You can’t control some one else’s emotions”

“Meegan loves you very much”

“You know it was the right decision”

“He will be okay”

“You need to let go of the things you can’t control”

Nothing is working. I’m trying to be patient with myself. I have lots of time these days to work through these feelings of inadequacies. Too much time in fact. Nothing like being unemployed, unable to work and having to spend day in and day out in your own mind. At a time with everything should be new, exciting and full of promise, I’m stuck with my face in my palms, tears streaming down my face and feeling more desperate to eat my way through all these emotions.

I’m not sure there is a point to this post. This was definitely about me just letting some stuff out. Letting it go to the universe the best that I can. I am not in a good place today but that doesn’t mean I have to stay here. I won’t turn off my emotions because I am scared to feel them. I won’t turn them off because I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy. I will do my best to make food choices about nutrition and not about covering up something I am afraid to feel and I will try to be mindful that I’m not eating enough. I will try to be patient and remind myself that this is how I feel right now but it may or may not be how I feel an hour from now, a day from now, or a week from now.

I will try to take my own medicine

And hope it works.

Are you listening?

(are you?)

This is for me.

This is for you.

Life is tough. It fucking sucks some days. We wake up day in and day out unhappy with who we see in the mirror. We scream inside for a change. Any change. We are desperate for the courage to draw that line and tell the universe (but really ourselves) that enough is enough. No more being obese. No more being depressed. No more sitting around watching life pass us by. No more wondering “what if” and “why can’t I”. No more “I’ll never” and “I wish I had”. No more relying on medication (whether it’s prescribed by a doctor or comes in the form of food) to suppress what we really want: To Feel Alive. We want to feel in the core of our being that we are who we are meant to be and above all we deserve to feel loved, wanted, important, strong, fast, happy, content, goal oriented, successful, triumphant. We deserve to continually move forward. We deserve to feel the frustrations, confusion, the mourning of the old self, the fear our own greatness, the anger of why we waited and the deep sighs of relief when we finally….finally begin making the choices, implementing the decisions, taking the steps forward…

Failure is not fatal.

It won’t be easy to do what we’re about to do; To live. To cast away the self of old and seek the self of new. Second guessing will become a regular occurence, emotions will get in the way, steps forward will take a back seat to steps taken in another direction. We’ll hang our head in frustration. Feel defeated. The old self will not let go so easily. It will battle the new self and at the end of the day, it might win. We may find comfort in old behaviors while the new self is screaming to not give up and we whisper “tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll try again”.

Success is not final.

There is no ending to this journey. That may be the root of all our fears. There is no end to this journey. We will never look in the mirror and think “This, this is the end of my story”. We can not use the successes of our Life Changing Journeys to finalize our travels in this world. The depression subsides, the weight comes down, the emotions get under control, the medication gets tossed aside and we feel more in control of our new self as the old self realizes it is no longer welcome. But that is not the end. Constant improvement. We become faster, stronger, happier. Our goals get a little farther out of our reach and think bigger, better and much more broad than we ever imagined.

It is the courage to continue that counts.

This is my life. Constantly looking forward as I am held back by feeling of failures. I think about my old self and wonder if I made the right decisions because someone else is hurting. I think about my new self and when I look in the mirror I don’t see just one pair of eyes looking back at me. I see two. Mine struggling to accept that I deserve to make the choices I’ve made. The other belonging to her, telling me that these are absolutely the right decisions.  The constant pull of old and new. The constant emotional ups and downs that comes from trying to be better (happier), trying to be stronger (mentally) and finding goals that are a little farther out of my comfort zone because I was meant to be great. I was meant to change the world. I was meant to stand up and take control because I’m not only giving myself the courage to continue, but giving the gift of change to those that are still deciding whether today is the day.

(failure is not fatal)

(success is not final)

but also

 (failure is not final)

(success is not fatal)

When I am at the end of my days, the only thing that will matter will be did I have the courage to continue? Did I have the courage to stop saying “What if” and go forth to seek the answers of “how will I get there”? Did I have the courage to believe in myself, to believe in others and instead of thinking “this is it”, standing tall and proclaiming “what’s next”? Are you listening? I’m talking to you (to me). I don’t care how many mistakes you think you’ve made. I don’t care if you lost only to gain it all back and then some. I don’t care if you struggle with the idea that you deserve to be happy, I don’t care if you look in the mirror and feel like this is it, this is the end of your story….

It’s not.

It’s the courage to continue the writes our stories.

And courage never ends.