A little Thanks and a lot of Love!

My journey didn’t start back in December when I decided to get up, move forward and take control of my life. It started back when I began reading Tyler’s blog over at 344pounds sometime during the September before. I’m not sure how my Google reader came about to suggest that I start reading his […]

One mile madness / Tractor Tires / Fog is clearing

In anticipation of meeting with Superman today, forging a summer long training schedule and being pushed to a sweaty mess of muscle soreness, I woke up with a lot of anxiety . I decided that my one mile run was going to be faster today than it was last week which meant I was […]

So much to say…so little blog time.

I wanted to come here today and talk about my date with Superman.

I wanted to come here today and talk about how tomorrow is going to possibly be my official graduation from c25k.

I wanted to come here today and talk about resting heart rate (mine is 60) and blood pressures (112/70). I wanted […]