Thanksgiving Vlog (Gobble Gobble Gobble)


5 comments to Thanksgiving Vlog (Gobble Gobble Gobble)

  • Giving thanks and itemizing all the things we are grateful for naturally and simultaneously shines light (albeit not as brightly) on things that are voids in our life. The juxtaposition shows the two extremes of these opposites. With the gain of love there is loss of other relationships. With evolution and movement towards the future there is analysis of the past. The bottom line is that no matter what the situation there is always the “other side of the coin”. The labels we place on things/events/experiences as either something to be thankful and happy for or something we regret or be angry or upset about show how much the two extremes mean to us. We celebrate or mourn based on the appropriate reaction but it also allows us to evaluate the opposite outcome and this is what places such a high value on our feelings – knowing that things could be drastically different on the other end of the spectrum. We need to remember that in times when the days are the darkest and our hearts hurt the most that there will also be future days when we will again be bursting with enthusiasm, excitement and a sense of fulfillment. One day does not make a bad year.

    You have both had a year of transition on so many levels – physically, mentally, emotionally…the highlight reel would no doubt show moments of disappointment and frustration but there are also so many moments of jubilation, celebration and happiness.

    Trust that every single thing that happened in this last year has happened for a reason. It is moving you forward on your journey at just the speed you are meant to be moving. You are going in the exact direction you are meant to be travelling. We sometimes spend so much time looking ahead to the destination and the rewards and get so excited about the inevitable celebration when you get there that we sometimes look around and only recall the speed bumps and the ruts in the road and the construction signs that have slowed our progress. We sometimes forget that all those things are meant to teach us various lessons on this journey and that all of it is part of why the end result is so damn meaningful to us.

    This next year is going to be filled with so many more amazing moments for you both and I am extremely grateful that you are both a part of my life. xo.

  • Happy Thanksgiving. Really and truly.
    I know today isn’t the same here in Canada as it is in your home. And I know you’re far away from your family. But I’m so grateful for you and all that you bring to my life every day. I’m thankful for your beautiful words on an important day. All of those words.

    Tonight we’ll eat turkey and celebrate “yanksgiving” with some fantastic people and we’ll remember all of things we’re thankful for today and this year.

    So much love and thanks for you.

  • Your vlog was inspiring because of how honest you are…….and it was awesome to see you smiling!

  • YAY FOR TURKEY VLOGS!! 🙂 Made one myself as well. Happy Thanksgiving! PS: Tammi definitely said it 😉 I will be back to visit your blog soon.

  • MB

    Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for even on the really hard days. You (and MiMi) inspire me in so many different ways. In your triumphs and your struggles you find a way to inspire. Thank you! Keep the faith that every struggle teaches us something and makes the triumphs all the sweeter. Rock on!

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