Is loving ourselves so hard?
Why is the path to finding health and happiness so excruciatingly difficult and the escape from obesity seem more like an impossibility than a possibility? More often than not I still can’t look at myself in the mirror and come up with 3 things I like about the way I look.
Overly Critical.
Overly Judgemental.
Overly Harsh.
Down right mean at times.
Yesterday I was looking at my feet and before I could blink I had begun the negative berating of how ugly I felt they were. I thought my toes looked long and lanky. I thought the veins were popping out too much. The blisters healing on the sides of my feet added to the berating and by the time I was done I never wanted to look at my feet again. I knew that if I didn’t like the way they looked neither would anyone else that had to look at them. What was the point of losing a shit ton of weight only to end up with ugly looking feet???
Seriously, this is my train of thought.
I went from thinking “my feet are ugly” to “she’s not going to want to see my body” (and if you’ve been paying attention on twitter you know who she is. More importantly she knows who she is). It’s so easy to go from one tiny little thing I don’t like about myself to full blown body hatred and while most times it’s easy to go through the steps of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and bring myself back, I sometimes find myself treating this body hatred with things that are self sabotaging instead of self loving.
Mindlessly eating.
Not going to the gym for days
Convincing myself I’m not good enough.
Wanting to stay in bed instead of getting up and moving forward.
Saying negative things in my head.
Refusing to be nice to myself.
Wanting to give up.
Why is this? I’ve been on this journey for close to 19 months. I’ve been in those dark places so often and every time I pull myself out of them I think “Okay, that’s it. That has to be the last time I’m going to think bad things about myself. This has to be the last time I shove (insert food here) into my mouth looking for comfort. Look where I’ve come from. Look where I’m going…” And yet I find myself in those dark places again and more frustrated than the last time.
If I’m doing this.
So are you.
This journey is for a lifetime. A lifetime of learning how to soften the self critical voice and strengthen the voice of self love, self worth and believing that above all we deserve to love who we are and who we want to become. The critical voice is rooted deep in the fibers of our being. It doesn’t want to give up it’s place in our lives. The more successful we are in losing weight, becoming happy and congruent with what we deserve the louder and more determined that self critical voice becomes. It will use any excuse to dig it’s nasty little claws into us and shake us to the core of our being in hopes that we will surrender to its desires rather than follow our own…
Yesterday I thought I had ugly feet.
Today I know that those feet are the very ones that carried my body when it was too heavy. I know that those feet walked my dogs everyday while I tried to break a sweat. I know those feet took a few thousand steps on and off the wii board as I punched the funny looking boxing bag on my tv screen. I know those feet ran when I didn’t think they could and then proved to me they could actually run pretty freakin fast. I know those feet are the first thing to start working in the morning when my alarm goes off at 330a most mornings and the last thing to finish when I’m exhausted and fall into bed. I know these feet won’t fail me even when I feel like I’ve failed myself…
I’m sorry I hated you feet.
You deserve nothing but love!
Thank you.
(Your turn)
Let’s all give a big hand to your feet. CLAP CLAP CLAP
LOVE this post. love love love
And you’re right. I do do it too.
So true! It’s helpful to know that even 19 months into the journey, you still have those thoughts. I know, you’re probably thinking that’s frustrating, not helpful. But so much of this journey is to realize the expectations that you have and readjust them. You are absolutely right that I shouldn’t expect that those thoughts will just magically disappear. In fact, it helps to know I can still have those thoughts and work through them.
Thank you!
I am grateful for my feet…when my pants wouldn’t fit, my shoes always did! 🙂
Love this post Tara. I think you have nice feet!
Ah yes…compassion for our bodies and ourselves rocks.
I do it too. I can’t believe how often I’ve been having this weird little mantra going on in my head recently. “You suck. You suck.” And then I catch myself and I’m like, WTF is THAT about?!? I’ve been having to have many come-to-Jesus talks in my head where I have to really sit down and say, WHY are you talking to yourself like that? Because it does spiral into all the destructive behavior. Thank you for this post and thank you for showing us your lovely feet. oxoxo
I love your feet! My favorite part is the tan lines. I love tan lined feet because it makes me think of all the things you’ve done outside to earn them. 🙂
One of my yoga instructors says that we fall in love with ourselves last, and that that’s kind of sad. We are each the only person we will spend our whole entire lives with, and we should fall in love with ourselves first. And then she’d suggest we look at our third eye in the mirror during the pose and make googly eyes at ourselves. Sounds silly, right? But it’s so true! Who else is as worthy of your love as you yourself are?
Great post and so very true we do need to love all parts of ourselves fully. I loved TJ’s comment too.
This is a wonderful post. Exactly where my head has been at the last few weeks thinking no matter what I do I won’t lose weight, I’ll never run a 5K and there’s no point to any of this. If your negative thinking is wrong (you’ve got cute feet!!) then maybe my negative thinking is wrong, too!!
I think that having these thoughts and feelings don’t make you a failure. We all lose focus some times, but you are a winner, because you’ve learned, through practice (just like this) to change your perspective and see the TRUTH.
Powerful,strong, beautiful feet that accomplished amazing “feats” of endurance! Love you fruitcup.
Very well said! I can really relate to this too.